Thursday, March 13, 2025

«Great honor, I thank the French» –

from Online Editing

Brigitte Trogneux, married to Macron, immediately took on a reclusive role. According to those who know her, he did not want a second term. Dressed in blue, surrounded by children and grandchildren, she accompanied the re-elected president to the party under the Eiffel Tower

When you are a wife President of the Republic
People don’t choose you. So You should not force yourself on them. And the only way for me not to be bothered is to help,” she said Brigitte Macron in one of Very rare interviewsreleased two years ago on public radio France Info.

This is the method he chose again this eveningWhen the Arrived at Campo de Marte, under the Eiffel TowerAnd Holding her husband by the hand merely re-elected On the Hymn of Joy notes. They are all dressed in blueWith an all-over blouse and almost military-style pants by Louis Vuitton’s French favourite, her loose hair had just gathered at the nape of the neck, Surrounded by children and grandchildren.

Only one comment on Emmanuel’s victory: «It is a great honor to thank all the French who trusted himAccording to the people close to her He didn’t want a second term At the Elysee, another five years without being able to see her husband as he pleases. On the other hand he said several times You don’t like the “first lady” title. Prefer the formula “The Head of State’s Wife”.

I have always kept a distance from politics“I have neither the taste nor the competence,” he explained. As president of the Foundation Hospitals de Paris, he distributed iPads in nursing homes and This was his way of “helping.”. For the rest, try to stay out of the spotlight. He doesn’t even like being on social media, which he considers too violent.

with the president. He explained, “We have remodeled Simple life as a couple In the Elysee, we have A private apartment that no one can enter. We try to maintain our own field, for me it would have been unbearable otherwise.” And it shows, from the looks and kisses he gave her yesterday under the Eiffel Tower.

Apr 24, 2022 (change on Apr 24, 2022 | 23:15)

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