Thursday, March 13, 2025

Here’s how it’s possible (according to science) –

From Christine Brown

Changing the type of muscle contraction with an emphasis on reducing weight (the eccentric phase) is most effective in increasing muscle strength and size

Good news for those who have little time to go to the gym. according to A group of Japanese and Australian scientists Cutting your weight training times in half will result in Same results in terms of muscle mass. But how is it possible? The key is in giving More focus on the weight loss phase (negative phase) and not just for the lifting phase: in fact, it will be a change in the type of muscle contractionMost effective in increasing muscle strength and size.

Eccentric contractions

The scientists had volunteers perform three different variations of the dumbbell exercise and found that the participants who performed the exercise focused only on their Weight reducers achieved the same improvements in muscle mass as those who lifted and lowered weightdespite the procedure Half of the cast. the professor Ken Nosaka of Edith Cowan University in Australia stressed how the findings reinforce previous research and what to focus on Eccentric muscle contractions (i.e. when weight is reduced) is even more important if the goal is to increase strength and muscle size. We already know that one eccentric muscle contraction a day can increase muscle strength when performed five days a week, even if it’s only three seconds a day, but a concentric (i.e. lifting weight) or isometric (weight-maintaining) muscle contraction It has no effect Professor Nosaka reported the same effect adding: This latest study shows that we can be more efficient in the time we devote to training and still see significant results by focusing on eccentric muscle contractions. In the case of the dumbbell exercise, for example, many believe that the act of lifting a weight provides the greatest benefit, but we found it Actually coSlightly focused muscle contractions contribute to the effects of training.

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How was the study conducted?

The study was divided into four groups of volunteers, three of whom performed dumbbell curls twice a week for five weeks and the fourth as an inactive control group. Of the three active groups, the first one was performed Only eccentric muscle contractions (weight loss)perform the second concentric muscle contractions (weightlifting) The third performed concentric and eccentric muscle contractions (alternately raising and lowering weights). All three groups had improvements in focused strength, but only the group of volunteers who lifted weight (concentric muscle contractions) only achieved this improvement.. On the other hand, those who only reduced weight (eccentric action) or performed muscle contractions achieved improvements in both isometric (static) and eccentric strength. However, the researchers point out that although the eccentric exercise volunteers performed half the repetitions of those who raised and lowered the weights, the benefits in terms of strength were similar, with a greater increase in muscle thickness (7.2% vs. 5.4%) than concentric eccentric group).

Doing excercise

But how do we apply what was shown in the study? The researchers suggest that Use both arms to raise the dumbbell (the concentric phase) and then use only one arm to lower it (the eccentric phase). This technique works when performing biceps curls, front raises, and handstands. You can proceed in the same way with the use of leg muscle machines (leg extensions, leg curls, leg raises). But you don’t have to go to the gym because the principles of this training can be done from home: the important thing is that The muscles lengthen gradually throughout the range of motion.

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Beware of Doms (Delayed Onset of Pain)

Watch out for meDelayed onset of painknown as Doms, which peak within 48 hours of the end of sporting activity, particularly activities that one is not used to feeling Gianfranco BeltramiVice President of the Italian Federation of Sports Medicine. Delayed pain usually occurs after strenuous exercise or an unusual activity. It can happen after any type of exercise, but it’s more common right after Eccentric movements specifically those Muscles work in the stretching phase. When we take a shopping bag in our hands and put it on the floor, and we fight back so that it does not pull us to the floor, we are doing an eccentric. Typical activities are walking up stairs or running downhill. There is no system that develops only exotic activities, but there are individual movements for different sporting activities as Beltrami explains. Usually, the smaller muscles of the upper extremities (such as the biceps and shoulders) are more susceptible to pain because they will be less accustomed to exotic exercises.

Nov 16, 2022 (changed on Nov 16, 2022 | 09:10)

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