Thursday, March 13, 2025

Here’s who’s on top of integration today –

from Guido Olympio

From Amin al-Haq, who was released in 2011 from Pakistan, to Saif al-Adl, a possible direct successor to al-Zawahiri, many militants could openly come out.

Some have been in hiding for a long time, others have chosen a semi-secret status, and we still know a few others. take power from Taliban Their status may change, depending on their membership.

The parade of vehicles that accompanied the return of the public Amin ul Haq
In Nangarhar province was the first warning. A strict 61-year-old hardliner, he played the head of the Black Guard, Osama’s security, for a long time. He was with him in the mountains of Tora Bora, in 2001. Then he ended up in prison in Pakistan and they released him in 2011, returning him – so to speak – to his profession. He reappeared now, convinced that he was protected.

The choice is more complicated for real leaders. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the current leader, hanging between the barren earth and his paradise. The United Nations and US military intelligence have argued that I live, albeit unsettled, perhaps on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. The assessment contrasts with those who believe he died in November 2020, from illness. Definitely stupid. In other words, it did not provide any evidence of its existence. His last letters are undated. Perhaps the radio fell silent due to the loss of collaborators. Hossam Abdel-Raouf, the man who ran the propaganda, has been eliminated, and his deputy will be arrested.

The problem of bin Laden’s heirs stems from the dispersal of the most important figures. He would remain a possible direct successor to al-Zawahiri in Iran. Seif al AdelMember of the Old Guard, director of military activity, and member of the specialized Hittin Shura Council. They claim he can move, but is not authorized to leave the Islamic Republic. The Pasdaran was unlikely to let him go, unless there was a peer. With him there are other preachers who have moved here for some time. A diaspora community of which Abu Muhammad al-Masri was a part, was martyred in a Mossad operation. One of many lieutenants who got off the road in two years.

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Perhaps the closest Osama Mahmud was number one in the Indian branch. He was among the first to speak these days, saying that there are new responsibilities for fighters. Unprecedented circumstances created by the western departure. But how far can they go? Al Qaeda just issued a statement Dedicated to the success of the mullahs, two pages posted by Al-Shehab on the network. The organization recognizes the authority of the emirate – that is, the Taliban – and urges everyone to respect the decisions, and is convinced that the government will lead the country with respect for Sharia. This position is a confirmation of a traditional line, and at the same time sends extremists to say that they want to avoid friction and provocation. The priority is the creation of the new state.

Also in the document is a tribute to Mullah Akhundzadeh, now the Taliban’s number one, and the Haqqani network, which was the point of contact between fighters and leaders, but also – in the 1980s – with many of the secret services.. Haqqani is among the characters of the moment, they are clearly visible. With photos and meetings. Siraj al-Din has a political function, and Khalil is responsible for security. A paradoxical position for the latter: at his head is an American reward of $ 5 million. He deserves them. The clan was involved in violent attacks, In attacks, he established operational cells in urban centers. The double-edged sword was amazing for its agenda – with maneuvers – and for the general cause. Analysts believe that in the complementary wire represents the third star. The first to form Talabani in Kandaharrelentless. The second comes from the followers of Baradar, the negotiator, advocating a cautious openness to the outside. So the Haqqani, extremists, with bloodstained hands, for the pragmatists and the business-minded. They are general catalogs, resting on an uneasy surface, as far as Kabul can be today, taken in by the need to give life to a regime, under the fire of the Islamic State, the goal of the Regional Games. This is why the euphoria of success is mixed with the small steps of tactics. One wrong move could cost you dearly. There are killers, drones flying, spies who listen. Therefore, there are those who prefer not to go out from the shadows.

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Sep 1, 2021 (change on Sep 1, 2021 | 21:24)

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