Thursday, March 13, 2025

His song for Ukraine, his decor, what Ginsburg hated …

Jane Birkin, guest on C à Vous on Thursday 10 March, remembered what her ex-boyfriend Serge Ginzburg could not stand …

After a forced rest period of several months, Jane Birkin is back on stage. A stroke victim in September 2021, the singer was forced to abandon her projects. He came back after releasing the album Oh! sorry i was sleeping… The 75-year-old musician Invited on a group c for you Thursday 10 March. Chance for a star to mention Memories of Serge Ginsburg She shared her life for nearly 12 years…

Serge ginsburg obsessed? “He couldn’t stand the chaos

While Charlotte Gainsburg, Born of a poet between Serge Ginsburg and Jane Birkin vowed to transform The house where his father lived for more than twenty years is in a museumAnd the Jane Birkin is back on the obsessive side of her ex-boyfriend. You didn’t have to touch anything! It was actually inside his head, He said he couldn’t stand the chaos, and he said he would go crazy because there was already a disturbance in his head.“, Remembered on set c for you.

For several years, Charlotte Ginsburg planned to open for the general public, The 5 bis rue de Verneuil, A symbolic address where his father lived in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. If the inauguration had not delayed any further, Jane Birkin could have entered the building in preview. and translator A former fan of the 60’s He did not hide his enthusiasm. People will be amazed! It’s very aesthetic, it’s very beautiful. mentioned.

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Amazed by the originality of the home, Jane Birkin recalled a moment in her family’s life. “In Serge’s house, it’s just a fantasy In the kitchen there was, Kate, Charlotte, Anna, the bull terrier Nana. And we were there with chicken Spinning and watching Fan School On the TV, on the glass table in front of the glass refrigerator. And all this is the size of a quarter of this table as well It’s charming, it’s so small. So in fact, it is very preciousx. “I captured.

Jane Birkin: Why did you keep the same decor for 60 years

If Serge Gainsbourg’s former home is about to be turned into a museum, Jane Birkin’s apartment is also filled with memories of a lifetime. And for good reason! In an interview given to beautiful morning Tuesday 8 March The singer reveals that she has not changed her interior decoration in more than sixty years!

I’ve had the same decoration for sixty years. The same fabrics on the walls, the same things in the apartments I lived in.“A way for the artist to feel safe in his cocoon,” I was pleased.It relaxes me, I feel like I don’t move at all.I explained.

Jane Birkin returns to the stage, critics mingle: “awful performance,”complete massacre“, “This is a mistake”

Tuesday, March 8, Jane Birkin was invited to sing in the show United for Ukraine on France 2. Broadcast live from the Maison de la Radio, the stars gather in droves for the Red Cross.

For the occasion, Lou Doillon’s mother came to give performances Thank God by Jeff Buckley in a duet with Eddie De Britto. Unfortunately, The singer got off to a bad start and skipped a few words. Then she had to stop for a long time before picking up the thread. Pianist Soufiane Bamart filled this moment with beautiful melody.

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But the incident was not lost on viewers, who did not fail to reveal it through social networks. Jane Birkin has been the target of severe criticism. “Terrible prestige de Birkin, complete massacre“,” Vivid massacre “,” Pathetic for Jane, that’s wrong “,” We can read on Twitter. If netizens were not kind to the singer, the evening would remain a symbol of peace and generosity.

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