Friday, March 14, 2025

Infection assessment | Worldwide, nearly 2,589,000 people died


France Media Agency

More than 116,415,200 cases of infection have been officially diagnosed since the onset of the epidemic. Most patients recover, but the more poorly assessed area retains symptoms for weeks or months.

These figures are based on daily reports by health officials in each country, and exclude previous post-corrections made by statistical agencies such as Russia, Spain and the United Kingdom.

As of Saturday, there were 8,431 new deaths and 406,668 new cases worldwide. With 1,752 new deaths, the United States, Brazil (1,555) and Mexico (779) are the countries with the highest number of new deaths in recent reports.

The United States is the most affected country in both death and cases, with 524,362 deaths out of 28,952,953 cases, according to Johns Hopkins University figures.

After the United States, the worst affected countries are Brazil with 264,325 deaths and 10,938,836 cases, Mexico with 190,357 deaths (2,125,866 cases), India with 157,756 deaths (11,210,799 cases) and 124,419 deaths (4,213,343 cases).

Among the most affected countries, the Czech Republic has the highest number of deaths per 100,000 population, followed by Belgium (192), Slovenia (187), the United Kingdom (183) and Montenegro (169).

Europe Sunday at 6 a.m. with 873,514 deaths for 38,570,868 cases, Latin America and the Caribbean with 696,644 deaths (21,980,365 cases), the United States and Canada with 546,570 deaths (29,836,473 cases), Asia with 259,298 deaths (5,16,552 cases, 16,342,056) 3,960,023 cases), Oceania 953 deaths (32,748 cases).

Since the onset of the epidemic, the number of tests performed has drastically increased and screening and tracking techniques have improved, leading to an increase in reported contaminants.

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However, the number of cases detected represents only a fraction of the actual total contamination, with the vast majority of less serious or asymptomatic cases still undiagnosed.

The assessment was carried out using data collected by AFP offices from competent national officials and information from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Due to corrections made by officials or delayed release of data, the 24-hour increase figures do not exactly match those released the previous day.

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