Friday, March 14, 2025

Insults fly between London and Moscow British Minister: Putin is a crazy man with dwarf syndrome

The next day formulations British Prime Minister Boris Johnsonwho branded him Russian President Vladimir Putin As a “crazy” and “macho” and explained that “if he (Putin) was a woman, he wouldn’t have attacked Ukraine”, another member of the British government upped the ante against the Russian president. British Defense Minister, Ben Wallaceon microphones Lbc . RadioHe added that in addition to asserting that the Russian leader is “crazy”, the Kremlin Number One appears to suffer from “low man syndromealso known asNapoleon complex“. I certainly think that President Putin’s view of himself is conditioned by a kind of short man syndrome – said the British minister, adding that Putin is trying to compensate for this by presenting a “macho image” to the world.

In the psychological and social sphere, in fact, people affected by the Napoleon complex tend to assume, especially in men, aggressive and arrogant social behaviours, in order to compensate for certain deficiencies, whether physical, social, economic or in any condition attributable to “A status symbol“The individual versus society and others. But according to British Minister Putin, he will not be the only one experiencing this “chaos”..

Yes, because if the Napoleon complex affects mainly men, according to the British minister, despite the fact that there is more than one similar position in women, according to Wallace, in the Kremlin there will also be a woman who has repeatedly offered to have you, on a behavioral level, Some features in common with the Napoleon complex. This is the official spokesman for the Moscow Foreign Ministry, Maria ZakharovaWho was described by Secretary Wallace as “a comedian who threatens every week to launch a nuclear attack against this or that.” Then the British Defense Secretary added: “You are certainly a woman, and yet you are as crazy as Putin.”

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