Friday, March 14, 2025

Is the iMac coming or not?

Finally we start over. So I look forward to the Apple event on Tuesday. But what, in fact? What is there to see anyway? Now follows a small but good assessment of the situation in the GIGA Weekend column – let’s talk about it.

Apple Special Event: Answers to the Most Important Questions

It’s been five months now. In that time, Apple has created a great event list for us, made up of very selective and powerful Macs. They were supposed to collide with Intel next, but for Apple, the latest products have been the engine for sustainable growth – the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and Mac Mini have been selling like sliced ​​bread ever since. The new year has started fairly quietly. Instead of new products, HomePod and iMac Pro have moved articles from Apple Wallet without exchanging them.

So it was time for something new. What joy I feel, because finally it is time again. On Tuesday, April 20, at 7 PM, for now, I will be watching Apple Live with impatience. A lot can be said: New products are in the pipeline. First and foremost is new iPad Pro 2021 And the long-awaited “key finder” from Apple, and AirTags, is expected. This all goes hand in hand with the final version of iOS 14.5 and iPad 14.5. All this is more than a lot less. That alone would be reason enough for me to feel happy.

New Apple and iMac Event: Here it is again, this special joy

But I also discovered another long-lost mood: Unlimited Sentry! Something young children only know about Christmas and Easter. Hope in the unknown and surprise floats with him. Against all common sense and against mostly reliable statements is one thing Experts like Mark Gorman from BloombergI hope for more.

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No, it’s not a new iPhone or something similar that is unreal. I will be satisfied with the new iMac 2021. Conservative votes don’t anticipate the all-new calculator until later in the year, maybe June at WWDC, but I really hope for an “early start” in April.

Real industrial design icons are hidden in the iMac ancestral gallery, such as the iMac G4 from 2002:

By the way Not because I really want to buy it. I personally owned my last iMac over 15 years ago. Until then it was clear to me: I am and will be a MacBook boy! Laptop flexibility was and still is more important to me personally. So it is not related to my personal preference at all. I am very excited to finally see a new design from Apple with the iMac 2021. New Milestone in shape design, Which will be critical over the next five to ten years. Remember: the current iMac has been looking like this for 9 years now, and its predecessor was also very similar to the current model.

My thoughts on the weekend: The column aims to provide material for thinking and contemplating the “flood of news” of the week near the end of the week. A small selection of previous articles in the column:

You don’t have to have everything you want to love

As an Apple user, you can finally do that too Enjoy the things you don’t necessarily want to have on your own. Because you don’t have to. Just like it is with art. The beauty of the painting, the grace of the sculpture … it is not necessary to own it in order to recognize the sublime. It is enough just to see and know existence.

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Should you own such a work of art to be able to appreciate it? I think appearance alone suffices:

Just like summer 2000. Location: The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York City. At that time, I was sitting in the audience among dozens of other people who listened to Steve Jobs’ words. Suddenly he summoned a new type of computer from his hat. The Power Mac G4 Cube wasn’t set to become an economic success later on, but it would become a cult more cult. I never had a cube, but on the day of the show, I was filled with joy to have it.

Somehow I hope I have a similar feeling on Tuesday. What if Apple didn’t introduce a new iMac? Never mind, just more time to look forward to the next Apple event. I know: I don’t even need the new iMac 2021, just seeing it is enough for me.

Note: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author only and not necessarily the position of the entire editorial team at GIGA.

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