Great Britain worries but also the rest of Europe, The new alternative that is coming from Vietnam, Also because it combines the properties of that Indiana It is so English. In recent days, the alarm was triggered by the Vietnamese Minister of Health, Nguyen Thanh Long, who made it clear that the new alternative was, in fact, a “mixture of Indian and British”, with the main advantage of rapid spread. Through the air and to be more transmissible than its predecessors. More specifically – he explained – that the Indian alternative with mutations originally belonged to the British alternative. The Southeast Asian country has recorded 6,396 cases of coronavirus and 47 deaths from complications so far. The new variant will be the origin of the rapid spread of Covid-19 since the end of April, when 3,600 people were infected in 31 of 63 cities.
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Seven types of viruses in Vietnam – Hence, while Part of the world is accelerating vaccinations against Covid-19, which aims to have summer continue at least the first phase of immunization, and the fear remains high. Vietnam has detected seven different types of the virus so far, including the South African, British and Indian variants. The Vietnamese minister did not specify how many new cases registered in the country could be traced back to this new variant, but local authorities are concerned: the reaction to the new increase in infections was immediate, with new restrictions especially on travel and on schedules and commercial activities.
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Great Britain trembles – A step back is necessary and, if viewed from Europe, it is a warning and a nightmare as well. For the United Kingdom, for example: it is living days with a breath, hoping that the increase in infections in recent days will remain limited and stop soon, and perhaps reverse the process again, without interfering with the British plan to reopen. That almost arrived. In the end. After the current stage opens on May 17, in fact, England is looking to June 21 to remove almost all restrictions, but some experts are starting to suggest a throttle.
Concern had already mounted in recent days with the spread of the Indian alternative and Downing Street was quick to assert, through the mouth of Production Activities Minister Kwasi Quarting, that the data did not justify the hypothesis that the June 21 deadline had been postponed. . Boris Johnson then urged himself to exercise caution, warning that in order to make a final decision on the matter, it would be necessary to “wait” for further checks. Meanwhile, in the past few days, the number of new cases of Covid-19 has stabilized below 3,500, with a slight decrease compared to the previous number, which recorded 4,182 new infections, and this number has not occurred since April 1.
The Dangerous Alternative? – However, some experts say, although it appears to be spreading quickly, there should be no cause for concern. In fact, this is not the first time that a variant has been discovered and it appears that most of these mutations were not very dangerous. «Even if the new variant combines characteristics of two others, perhaps in a patient, it is not necessarily a hybrid virus.»Todd Pollack, an infectious disease specialist at Harvard Medical School, told The Washington Post.