Friday, March 14, 2025

Jean Pascal Lacoste and Jennifer: back to their open love story

20 years ago, the first season of Star Academy kicked off. It became a season that revealed several artists but also featured a cult couple: Jennifer and Jean Pascal.

Star Academy celebrates its twentieth anniversary! For the occasion, TF1 will be broadcasting three filmed entertainment bonuses from Seine Musicale. Named “Star Academy, We Said We’ll Meet In 20 Years” and presented by Nikos Aliagas, they invite us to relive the Star Ac years in the company of all those who marked the show. Jennifer, the winner of the first edition, will open the ball on Saturday, October 30 with her former teammates: Mario, Patrice, Karen, Francois, Jessica and Jean Pascal. The latter, who fell in love with Jennifer, got a lot of media coverage during the first season of Star Academy.

But this convergence would have been invented from scratch according to the translator Au Soleil. “There were days when I wanted to go out. I was exhausted, because I was flirting with Jean Pascal and I didn’t suppose much the next day. I loved him, nothing more. Everything was romanticized…”Jennifer lamented Télé 7 jours in January 2017.

Jean-Pascal Lacoste: “It was a beautiful love affair”

For his part, Jean-Pascal Lacoste does not seem to have the same memory. From the Belgian media TeleproHe affirmed that he was sincere in his feelings: “Recently, there are interviews that have come out, saying that, apparently, Jennifer and I have been a little organized. Me, I wasn’t briefed from the production. Precisely because they knew it was me and that’s what the audience liked. I was myself until the end of Match 100. %. I’m still myself today.”

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In January 2021, Jean Pascal was again over this relationship on Evelyn Thomas’ Secrets Show on Non Stop People “It was a beautiful love story, I loved it so much. We kissed three times in the castle and then we saw each other again”, captured. But Jean Pascal assured him that they did not go further than kisses. “Oh no, in the castle no! Because there are cameras everywhere (…). We were there for work!”Explained to Evelyn Thomas.

Today, Lacoste and Jennifer have a good relationship. On December 11, 2020, the ex-lovebirds met on Tosh Plateau and not at my post. The latter said “very happy” To cross the artist’s path again. He determined that it had been nineteen years since they saw each other again.

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