Live – USA: In front of his fans, Trump denies defeat and opens the door to his candidacy in 2024

United States / Iran

The United States made three gestures against Iran on Thursday in the wake of intense discussions over the resumption of the terminated nuclear deal with Tehran and its approach to withdrawing Iran. Freed from new commitments.

After a virtual meeting of French, British, German and US diplomatic leaders, Washington announced that it had accepted the EU’s call for talks in Tehran’s presence to resume efforts to revive the agreement.

“The United States is accepting an invitation from the EU’s High Representative to join the P5 + 1 (a group that unites the United States, Germany, China, France, the United Kingdom and Russia) and Iran.

Joe Biden’s administration canceled a September unilateral declaration by the Donald Trump administration to return to international sanctions against Iran.

In a letter to the UN Security Council, Richard Mills, the US ambassador to the United Nations, stated that “UN resolution 2231 was upheld in 2015” and confirmed that the international nuclear deal with Tehran had been “deleted” in the same year.

At the same time, a US State Department official announced that restrictions on the entry of Iranian diplomats to the UN in New York, which had been significantly increased by the Donald Trump administration, would be relaxed.

These restrictions apply to these diplomats and the Iranian foreign minister who arrive at the UN with a specific route to and from Kennedy Airport. A few streets around headquarters should be cordoned off. Loosening the restrictions will allow them to return to their previous state of affairs, which will allow them to move freely in and around New York.

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