Thursday, March 13, 2025

Normandy Amand’s Pettit, Miss France 2021, took the top 21 spot

Amanda Pettit will not be wearing the Miss Universe crown. La Normandy has not been selected in the last 10 finals. But during the TV show he passed the first exam. Miss France finished in 2021 The first 21 of the competition International beauty. They are 74 women in the starting lineup.

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Her parents and the Miss Normandy Committee in front of their television

“We were like many in front of our television, Says Amandin’s mother Natalie Pettit. We were thrilled to see that he was one of the first 21 people invited. “Even though he was not selected in the other 10 finals, the family is proud:”Amand was radioactive. We are proud of his career and he behaved well. “

Some members of the Miss Normandy committee also met to follow the election, especially surrounded by regional representative Jennifer Gallet, Marine Glotter (Miss Normandy 2019) and Petit-Quillley stylist Sman Bootdam. The “national” style of the box. We would have loved to see her way beyond, But his journey is incredible, Comments Jennifer Gallet. The girls were so beautiful. “

Amand’s Pettit soon returned to France and Normandy

Although Amandine’s relatives wanted to see her with the Miss Universe crown (finally won by Miss Mexico), they also knew they could see her again soon. “It simply came to our notice then that we were happy to find her. Natalie Pettit says with a smile. We will manage to meet her at the airport when she returns. “ Car If he had won the match, Keynes would have stayed in the United States.

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Jennifer Gallet, regional representative of the Miss Normandy Committee, has a perspective that eases the frustration of the decision: “Amanda has not yet had the opportunity to return to Normandy. She can meet the French public Who chose him. In particular, she will run in all regional Miss elections. “

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