Peace Summit: Abu Mazen: “The Palestinians will never leave their land.”  Al-Sisi: “The two states now.”  There is disagreement about the final joint declaration (which does not exist).

The eternal differences between the West and the East. The Cairo Peace Summit, promoted by Egypt after the ongoing violent clashes between Hamas and Israel since October 7, ended without a final joint declaration among all participants, but only with a statement from the Egyptian presidency that strengthened the summit. The reason is the differences between the diplomacy of the Arab group of countries and the diplomacy of the West, as Sky News Arabia explains. “Western representatives – high-level diplomatic sources told Al Arabiya Radio – wanted the statement to include only condemnation of Hamas, while they refused to condemn Israel for killing thousands of civilians in Gaza or call for a ceasefire. Urgent fire and the entry of aid into the Gaza Strip.” “The Palestinians will never leave their land, the Palestinians will never leave their land,” the President of the Palestinian National Authority, Abu Mazen, repeated twice at the conclusion of his speech at the summit, in which the Georgian Prime Minister also spoke about watermelons. Abu Mazen spoke harshly against the state. Judaism: “The Palestinians are facing aggression and hostility from the Israeli army, which violates the principles of international law, and targets hospitals, schools, civilian shelter centers and homes.” He denounced “the danger of evacuating civilians from their homes, from the West Bank and from Jerusalem, which we will never accept.” We have called for it from day one. To stop this barbaric aggression and open humanitarian corridors to allow aid to enter the Gaza Strip, but the Israeli government did not allow this. The Palestinian President did not fail to condemn “the killing of civilians on both sides” and call for “the release of hostages on both sides.” After the intervention, Abu Mazen met with Georgia. Melonie for a double meeting.

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Al-Sisi: “The summit is the beginning of work for a two-state solution.”

Meanwhile, the majority of other leaders emphasized that the solution to the conflict must be a two-state solution, including Meloni and the host, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. The Cairo leader explained that this is exactly the goal of the summit, which he intends to lay the foundations during today’s meeting, October 21. Al-Sisi also renewed Egypt’s rejection of the forced displacement of Palestinians, and condemned “firmly the targeting, killing, or intimidation of all civilians.” “We must prevent the spread of conflict that could jeopardize the stability of the region, and resume the peace process. We need to return to the negotiating table for a ceasefire and implement a two-state solution that coexists peacefully side by side, in accordance with international law.”

The United Nations and the European Union: “Protection of Civilians and Children”

The head of the Libyan Presidential Council, Muhammad al-Manfi, also warned of “the repercussions of the forced displacement of Palestinians” and the “ground invasion of Gaza.” The summit was also attended by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, who reiterated the need to “apply international law and avoid attacks against civilians, schools and hospitals.” The message of European Council President Charles Michel is similar: “It is necessary to protect civilians and children. We affirm Israel’s right to defend itself, but this must be done within the framework of international law.”

(Photo by ANSA/EPA/Egyptian Presidential Office)

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