Thursday, March 13, 2025

Renault Suvap plant in Batelli has closed

Workers on Suvap’s Renault Master truck assembly line in Battelli are in forced rest. Thursday, October 14, Meurthe-et-Mosellan’s management announced during an extraordinary CSE meeting Stop production of vehicles for a week. blame him The global shortage of electronic components That particularly affects the automotive sector, and thus the diamond brand, which employs about 2,700 people at its plant in Lorraine.

Components Required to Get Started

“We know that we live from day to day with electronic components” Dominique Leclaire, Sud Automobile’s delegate to SOVAB, for whom this announcement was only half a surprise, says: “An expected week, but not a whole week.” Paradoxical situation when the order book is full In this plant that assembled 129,000 cars in 2020. Lost semiconductors are used to power vehicles, “So we can’t get them out of chains.” Dominique Leclerc continues while Sofab has been relatively untouched thus far.

Salaries are maintained at 100%.

The concerned employees keep 100% of their salariesThanks to a company agreement that also provides for a one-day RTT deduction for five days of partial unemployment. The problem is, if the crisis continues, some employees may also get enough vacation days. Unions are also concerned about the fate of temporary workers who do not benefit from such an adequate system.

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