Friday, March 14, 2025

RTE condemns 85,000 homes without electricity, malicious act of protesters

No doubt night owls would have noticed it. Wednesday through Thursday night, about 85,000 homes 139 municipalities in Pas-de-CalaisThe power outage lasted for about an hour, mainly in the area around Bethune. Three power stations, Beuvry and Pont-sur-Sambre, were cut off.

In the cut appearance: the striking employees of the power transmission network (RTE) and Enedis manager. “The only way to hear”, CGT Mines-Energy Regional Coordinator Romain Fronek explains. RTE complained This act was described as a malicious act.

The unions have called for a pay rise

During this Thursday’s strike, electricity and gas workers demanded a reassessment of wages. “The administration has been completely indifferent to the national base salary for some years. Adds Romain Fronek. Today the minimum wage is higher than the lowest wage of our phase, so it is perfectly reasonable to demand a wage increase.

There will be another power outage like last night If management does not open negotiations, it promises to trade unions in the future. “There is a cut at night, next time it may be during the day, Said a trade unionist. When we cut, we cut everything, even hospitals. “

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