Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sri Lanka: PM Speaks to the Nation, Halt Fuel Sales – Last Hour

(ANSA) – NEW DELHI, April 11 – We are waiting in Sri Lanka for Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa’s address to the nation this evening.

After the crowd peacefully surrounded the entrance to the Government House in Colombo over the weekend, today clashes broke out in Chilaw between supporters of the Prime Minister and a group of people calling for his resignation.

The police said that the security forces intervened to disperse the protesters and revealed that the tension reached its peak when the supporters of the government led by former Minister Sanath Nichantha attacked the demonstrators.

The Daily Mirror reported that a group of foreign tourists, who were unable to leave the country due to lack of fuel, started a demonstration today in Ambagunda, asking for help from the Prime Minister.

Also according to the newspaper, a 43-year-old man was found dead this morning, apparently from natural causes, in his car parked in front of a gas station, where he had lined up last night to fill it up. The National Fuel Company announced the suspension of the sale of gasoline and diesel, starting tomorrow, Tuesday, for a period of three days. (handle).

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