STEM majors competition: The second phase begins and consists of an oral test + a practical test for the competition categories you expect. The Ministry has published the national assessment networks, as well as the frame of reference for conducting the tests, based on the legislation.
Reference frame for the oral examination for grades A026 and A041
According to art. 9, Paragraph 7, Ministerial Resolution No. 201/2020 and Appendix A to the same decree, the oral exam, which aims to ensure the candidate’s readiness, and it consists of:
a) an interview, on a topic prepared by the commission (Article 4 Para. 6 DD No. 826/2021), which confirms the possession of the cultural and professional requirements related to the specific position and in the verification of the ability to understand. And speak English.
The oral examination will be conducted in plenary session for a maximum duration of 45 minutes, without prejudice to any additional time, according to Art. 20 of Law 5/02/1992, n. 104, from the time allotted to the trial.
It is organized as follows:
A 1.) Planning an educational activity, including illustration of the content, educational and methodological options and examples of practical use of ICTs, in accordance with the provisions of Annex A to Ministerial Resolution No. 201/2020 A 2.) Assessment of the ability to understand and speak English at least at level B2 of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Oral examination pursuant to Article 59, Paragraph 15, above. b) From Legislative Decree 73/2021, it is evaluated with a maximum of 100 points and is passed by whoever gets at least 70 points.
Reference frame for the oral exam for competition categories A020, A027, A028
According to art. 9, Paragraphs 7 and 8, Ministerial Resolution No. 201/2020 and Appendix A to the same decree, the oral examination for competition categories A020, A027 and A028 consists of:
a) an interview on a topic prepared by the committee (Article 4 Paragraph 6 DD No. 826/2021), which confirms the possession of cultural and professional requirements related to the specific position and checks the ability to understand and speak. in English
b) a practical test.
The interview, referred to in point a), will last a maximum of 45 minutes, without prejudice to any additional time, according to Art. 20 of Law 5/02/1992, n. 104, from the time allotted to the test and are organized as follows:
A 1.) Planning an educational activity, including clarification of the content, educational and methodological options, and examples of practical use of ICTs, in accordance with the provisions of Annex A to Ministerial Resolution No. 201/2020
A 2.) An assessment of the ability to understand and speak English at least at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
The interview, according to Art. 59, paragraph 15, above. b) From Legislative Decree 73/2021, it is evaluated with a maximum of 100 points and passed by those who have achieved a minimum of 70 points.
The practical test takes 3 hours.
The committee has 100 points available for the interview and 100 points for the practical test. The score for the oral exam is given by the arithmetic mean of the relevant assessments. Candidates with an overall score of at least 70 points out of 100 shall pass the oral examination.
Evaluation criteria for the oral exam
Availability of evaluation network
- Effective instructional planning Also with regard to information and communication technologies, which are aimed at achieving the goals established by the educational regulations in force from 0 to 40
- master Contents disciplinary at report to skills Methodology from 0 to 30
- Quality from the exhibition e right Linguistics E idiomatic in conversation With commission from 0 to 20
- oral interaction: understand e Produce at English Language It Topics General system , academic and with professional reference At least on the level B2 of the frame European municipality 0 to 10 مرجع reference
Practical test evaluation criteria
Availability of evaluation network
- Skill Planning and mastering the contents. 0 to 20
- use methodologiesAnd the Tools and techniques from 0 to 40
- analyzing e representation Results from 0 to 20
- controversyAnd the documentation and use language Sector 0 to 20
A026 – A041 . Oral Exam Reference Frame
Reference frame for the oral exam A020 - A027 – A028 الإطار
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