The Belgian State Council is blocking the closure of theaters



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In Belgium, the Department of Culture rallied against the government’s decision to close theaters. CouncilItstat Belgium proved they were right.

Theaters will not be closed in Belgium. When the claims of the complainants are usually rejected, the CouncilItstat This time in Belgium they won by relying on their case quThe government’s decision to close cultural halls is not based on any, Explains Julian Casparutto, a reporter in Brussels. Thus, the closure was immediately suspended and the evening theaters reopened on December 28, 2021.

Will this result have a snowball effect on other cultural institutions? Apparently this is what the French-speaking Minister of Culture wants, who calls TheTheaters will reopen without delayRe. In the country, the majority in power was broken by this file. ThisHis decision by the State Council further weakens the government.N.D., The journalist concludes at Duplex From Brussels.


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