a passenger Italian woman arrested after stripping naked on flight from Abu Dhabi to Mumbai Chaos erupts onboard Vistara when woman identified by Indian media as Paola Perucchio – according to what the company has rebuilt – he would have asked to transfer to work. With the help of the Italian Consulate in Mumbai, the judge released the woman on bail after a few hours.
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Half-naked Italian woman arguing about flight
According to the reconstruction of Vistara, which is owned by the Tata Group, the 46-year-old passenger caused confusion during the flight after trying to transfer business degree Although you purchased a Economy class ticket. A Vistara spokesperson adds that the passenger would violently attack the flight attendants who tried to stop her from moving, and that, during an argument, she would take off part of her clothes and walk half-naked along the aisle. “The pilot made announcements to reassure other passengers of their safety. In accordance with the rules of conduct during flights, security personnel intervened immediately upon landing.”
The episode comes in line with the airlines’ intolerance towards rowdy passengers, following the incident three weeks ago, in which a drunken Air India passenger urinated on the unfortunate woman who was traveling with him. In this case, the airline was charged with a huge fine: in addition to a large fine, the air traffic regulator suspended the license of the pilot who piloted the New York-Delhi flight for three months.