They ate free for three years thanks to a computer bug in the restaurant, but now they'll have to pay for everything

“They charge me 60,000 yen [unos 550 dólares]. I’m going to die.” “I got a one-sided message telling me that I have to pay in two weeks due to a payment error«. These are some of the messages that users of the service send Dimay can They posted on their social networks, knowing that they would have to pay 3 years of free food in less than a month.

On June 30, the Japanese food delivery company reported that Error processing payments for certain orders Over the past three years, although properly implemented through mobile operator payment applications, this has caused carriers to reimburse or cancel any fees.

The most surprising thing about this case is that the company started accepting payments made through mobile operators (such as DoCoMo, au and SoftBank) in 2018, so the error appears to have occurred anytime between August 2018 and April 15, 2021.

Demae-can is searching now Retroactive payments from affected users During the nearly four years that the confusion persisted. The company has not yet released an official statement regarding the details of the system error, so it is not yet known how this costly confusion has been ignored for so long.

The total food, delivery and service charge is 0 yen. enjoy it! “It was the message that the buyers received in error.

Meanwhile, users who enjoyed free meals received ultimatums from the company, which Expect to recover the total amount spent within 2 weekss. For their part, victims claim the fault is not theirs, so they refuse to pay, especially when the claim occurs only three years after the transactions. It was not clear what would happen if the company’s demand, which in some known cases exceeded 53,200 Argentine pesos, was refused.

Demae-can: A leading food delivery service provider in Japan

The food delivery chain is popular in Japan.

Demae-Can is a popular delivery company that allows customers to place instant orders at restaurants that deliver Home delivery all over Japan. Their services cover multiple categories of stores including pizza, bento box meals, Chinese food, sushi, western food, spirits and more.

In this way, users can check information such as Menu Items and the timeouts current and Place orders, along with specials. It is a fast way to buy online that can take as little as 20 minutes from the time of placing the order until the delivery of the product and the completion of the payment. Although of course, It doesn’t always work out.

The company was praised months ago when it partnered with the company Yoshinoya (Tick behind the icon meat bowl consumed throughout Japan) put their New fleet of drones In the service of health workers, delivering food dishes to different hospitals while maintaining social distancing.

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