After the season kick off of the music show, the second star on “The Masked Singer” was revealed on Saturday night. The hammerhead shark had to drop its mask – and a world champion appeared.
Last Saturday, the ProSieben show got off to a hot start to season five. “The Masked Singer” has been able to build on the success of the past few seasons with the new slot and improve its stakes With nearly three million viewers Overcome competitors like “Das Supertalent”.
The first revelation was also very fiery: Pepper should be their identity reveal and cause a big surprise. Because in a bright red outfit he was none other than “Tagesschau” spokesperson Jens Riewa. That was the first ten celebrities to come out.
Comedian or footballer?
Now the second mask has fallen off. The hammerhead shark could not convince the audience in front of the screens with his performance of “Vamos A La Playa”. After the performance, the studio’s advice team baffled who he is. Rhea Garvey guessed the medium Elton because of his entertaining traits. Janine Ullmann, who was there to support this time, also believed in comedic talent and called Itzi Schroeder. However, Ruth Mochner was convinced that footballer Pierre Litbarski was at the hammerhead – and in fact he was right.
Pierre Littbarsky: The football star was a hammerhead shark. (Source: Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)
The former professional football player and later coach pulled the mask off his head and caused cheers in the studio. “It was more stressful than Roma,” he alluded to the 1990 World Cup, where he won the title with Germany, and admitted: “My nerves were fluttering!”
We still have to go to the Grand Final on November 20 Eight other celebrities They threw their masks live on TV. As an innovation, this time another costume has been added: the tiger appears exclusively in an online show and in parallel with the television broadcast. He will also reveal his identity in the last episode.
Then the winner of the fifth season of “The Masked Singer” is determined. Astronaut won the first edition. Max Motzky hid under a uniform. After him, Tom Peak was named the winner as the sloth. Last fall, the show won a woman for the first time: Sarah Lombardi sang herself to win as Skeleton. Recently, Sasha won as a dinosaur.