Friday, March 14, 2025

Twitch introduces a new category so live broadcasters can show themselves in the shower

Hot tub videos are a new trend on Twitch that not everyone likes. According to those in charge of the platform, viewers and advertising partners have been increasingly complaining about the videos in which the signs portray themselves in bathtubs and whirlpools, among other things. So Twitch removed ads from affected broadcasters in no time and without warning, but it in turn caused complaints from creators. Twitch has now responded to the so-called hot bath meta in a blog post and announced a new category for these videos: Swimming pools, hot tubs and beaches.

Pools, hot tubs, beaches – a good all-round solution (?)

Swimming pools, hot tubs and beaches should give viewers a chance to continue streaming videos from their bathing areas, while viewers and advertisers can decide for themselves whether or not they want to support such streams. However, Twitch officials made clear in this context that the introduction of the new category would not change the platform’s terms of use. The sexual content is still prohibited, but signs are permitted to appear while you are showering in appropriate swimwear.

The blog post says:
A lot of discussion […] It revolves around the people who are broadcasting this content and similar content, including assumptions about their motives and goals, so we want to clarify some things: No one deserves to be harassed because of the streaming content, its appearance, or who he or she is and we will take action against anyone who participates in this type of Toxic behavior […] Disqualified. Second […] It’s not against our rules to be seen as sexy by others, and Twitch will not take any action against women or anyone else on our platform due to their perceived attractiveness. […] Streamers may wear swimwear and in contextually appropriate situations […] Speak and allow creativity expressions such as body writing and body drawing […]. Feedback from the community and advertisers has made it clear that we need to provide more ways to control recommended and advertised content. [Die Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches-Kategorie] Not a long-term solution […]But it fixes some problems for all target groups in the short term.

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The new class is now in. Viewers can intentionally remove relevant content from cross-category recommendations or search for hot tub streams in a targeted manner, while advertisers can decide for or against advertising before those streams.

Those: Eurogamer / Twitch

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