Thursday, March 13, 2025

Unconfirmed details about developer, setup, and difficulty level

In the past few hours, another source confirmed that the ninja team was working on a soul-like adventure in the “Final Fantasy” world. As mentioned, the project is called “Final Fantasy Origin” and it shouldn’t be as difficult as “Nioh” or “Dark Souls”.

Final Fantasy Origin: Uncertain Developer, Setting Details and Difficulty

The last few days it has been very going on The rumorSquare Enix is ​​working with Team Ninja on a Soulslike title in the “Final Fantasy” universe, which will be officially unveiled at this year’s E3.

While Square Enix and the developers on Team Ninja remain silent on this issue, the source wants more details. As he points out, the project will be called “Final Fantasy Origin” and transport players into the world of “Final Fantasy 1”. According to the source, the gameplay of “Final Fantasy Origin” will actually be based on titles like “Dark Souls” or Team Ninjas “Nioh”.

Easier level of difficulty for a larger audience?

However, the difficulty level shouldn’t be quite as high as it is in Soulslike templates, so “Final Fantasy Origin” can handle a larger target group. He goes on to say that rumors about a demo that will be seeing daylight this summer are also true. This is supposed to be called “Stranger in Heaven” and gives players a first impression of what is in the “Final Fantasy Origin” game.

about this subject: Final Fantasy: Is Team Ninja Soulslike for PS5?

Just as with the adventures of “Nioh”, “Final Fantasy Origin” alpha demo should also be used to collect feedback for possible improvements. Finally, “Final Fantasy Origin” is reported to be a time-exclusive title for PlayStation 5 which will also be released for PC at a later time.

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To what extent the information provided by the source matches the facts, we may discover it within Purely digital E3 2021Which will take place from 12 to 15 June 2021.

Those: VG247

More news about Final Fantasy Origin.

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