Friday, March 14, 2025

Video: Shocking fireball flies over northern Morocco | technology

detectors Smart Project from the Institute of Astrophysics in Andalusia (IAA-CSIC), recorded the passage of a fireball through northern Morocco at a speed of 255,000 km/h.

According to the SMART Project Principal Investigator analysis, Jose Maria Madedoof the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC), the fireball was recorded on the morning of January 30 at 3:16 p.m. and Its brightness was similar to that of the full moon So it can be seen from Andalusia in southern Spain.

The rocks that caused this phenomenon entered the Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of about 255,000 thousand kilometers per hour and I have come from guilty.

These rocks that intersect the Earth’s orbit are called “meteorites”.

the sudden contact with the air At this tremendous speed, it caused the rock to glow and the formation of a fireball that began about 146 kilometers above eastern Morocco, in the columns of Ouled Sidi Abdel Hakim.

From there it moved northwest. It became extinct at an altitude of about 62 km above northeastern Moroccoapproximately perpendicular to the city of Taverset.

Throughout his career Show multiple explosions which caused sudden increases in its luster which were due to various sudden ruptures of the rocks; The fireball traveled a total atmospheric distance of about 198 kilometres.

The meteorite was detected from the Spanish astronomical observatories in Huelva, El Garavi, Seville, Sierra Nevada, La Sagra (Granada), Calar Alto (Almeria) and La Hita (Toledo).

the SMART Project Detectors It operates under the Southwest European Fire and Meteorite Network (SWEMN), which aims to continuously monitor the sky in order to record and study the impact on Earth’s atmosphere.SMART Project Detectors

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e rocks from different objects in the solar system.

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