Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Warzone cheating complaints grow, Raven releases first anti-cheat update in over two months •

Raven Software, developer of Call of Duty: Warzone, has released its first anti-cheat update in more than two months after mounting pressure from the game community on hacking.

Complaints about cheating and hacking have mounted in Warzone this year, with some high-profile players calling for action from Activision.

Earlier this month, popular Call of Duty content creator ZLaner made an impassioned plea to Raven to do something to combat cheating.

In the clip posted on Twitter below, he said: “Raven Software…Can we please have some kind of transparency.” “This question has been asked many times. Listen, I love your game… The only reason I am excited about wanting to deal with this stuff is because I love your game. I love it so much. I want to see it flourish. The launch is the lack of anti-cheat and being full of hackers.”

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Overnight, Raven announced that it has issued two waves of Warzone bans this week, for a total of more than 50,000 banned accounts.

“Targeting repeat offenders, and much more,” Raven said in a tweet.

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Raven’s latest anti-cheat update was released on May 14, when the developer He said It eliminated more than 30,000 accounts in a wave of bans, bringing the total number of banned accounts to over half a million.

“We have zero tolerance for cheaters across Call of Duty and Call of Duty: Warzone,” Activision said in a blog post in February.

Some said Raven’s latest numbers are not enough. Popular Call of Duty YouTuber JGOD tweeted that the number “should be much higher”.

“There are at least a dozen people on the leaderboards who have skipped every ban since launch, so I can only imagine how many have missed those waves,” JGOD said.

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The community remains skeptical about Activision’s anti-cheating efforts with Warzone, and there are already more clips filling the Warzone subreddit showing egregious cheating, even from streamers.

Activision: We’ve blocked 50,000 accounts. And he plays the tape on Twitch with silent aim, shoots in the air and all the bullets hit… from p/CODWarzone

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Video game developers and publishers have a hard time fighting piracy and cheating in their games, and Activision is no different. As a free-to-download Battle Royale game with over 100 million players, Warzone will always be a target for cheaters. But Activision has shown that it can move quickly when it comes to combating those who cheat – this week Activision stepped in to stop the development of machine learning cheats after competitive multiplayer fans expressed concern about their ability to destroy games.

Despite these efforts – and wave ad bans – Activision appears to be struggling to shake Warzone’s reputation for being battle royale with a heavy dose of cheating.

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