NSEach time there are fewer days until 2021 passes into a “new” life, but WhatsApp news has no waiting time. And although 2022 is just around the corner, in recent days a new release has appeared, which brings some news that contains more than one hair.
What is WhatsApp Delta and what are the differences with WhatsApp?
Unlike a regular application, Delta users will be able to program and modify messages once they have already been sent, causing a lot of intrigue and at the same time surprising for easy debugging of some chat.
Although this version is not available in Play Store or Apple Store, the user is free to try this new functionality. To do this, you must first delete the original WhatsApp, then enter Google Chrome and download the APK (executable file) of WhatsApp Plus from the page you want.
Ah, check the URL so you don’t download any malware or software that could harm your computer. Install WhatsApp Delta to give Google Chrome permissions. If a warning appears that WhatsApp Plus cannot be installed, it is necessary to delete everything related to WhatsApp.
Since it is not a genuine version, those who use the unofficial APK can be penalized indefinitely, either by blocking the user or the phone number used to download WhatsApp Delta.