Friday, March 14, 2025

Xbox Game Rewards and Rewards Quest Guide for March 2022

You will have to make sure in every match that you get hit by your opponent every 5-7 seconds or you will open it. It is not easy but it is possible. Put some punches on your opponent and let him punch you at least once before you start boxing again.

Works on Xbox and xCloud. Tested on xCloud.

wold-2-managers-cut off the titleWasteland 2: Cut the exit

• Game size: 9 go
To return it: 75 points
Required playing time: 5 minutes

Get 3 kills.

If InXile Entertainment recently handed us the beautiful Wasteland 3, it wouldn’t be a good idea to forget the previous licensing titles. Especially if it’s available in Game Pass and in the “Director’s Cut” edition please! The recipe does not change: a post-apocalyptic world, dozens of characters, decisions to be made and consequences to be assumed. The task will not require 80 hours as the title claims. Success will not stand in your way:

  • Start a new game.
  • Mark the default team with ‘A’ then ‘Start’
  • Choose the difficulty level of “Blue Rod”.
  • Scroll through all scenes as well as all possible dialogues and head to the top left of the starting position. You must pass the NPC and as soon as you cross the bridge, the goats will be standing in front of you in the middle of the road.
  • Press “Start” and make a quick save.
  • Approach the goat and then by pressing “RT”, select “Attack”.
  • Once the goats are lowered, press “Start” and select “Quick Load”.
  • Repeat twice and the task will be completed without success.
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Works on Xbox, PC, and xCloud. Tested on Xbox.

monthly-important-iconexplorer bass game

• Game size: /
To return it: 10 points
Required playing time: 1 minute

Play 4 different Game Pass games.

There isn’t much to say about this quest except that as a bounty point hunter you won’t have a problem completing it from the first week, so you don’t have to worry about it. Launching a title without playing it on all media will count from the first seconds.

monthly-important-iconQuest for beginners

• Game size: /
To return it: 25 points
Required playing time: 30 minutes

Complete 6 daily missions and 4 weekly missions.

Each week, Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription holders can complete respectively Four or five questions Weekly (1 game per week reserved for Ultimate members). Whichever formula you choose, you will be able to collect points for this mission. Since day one.

monthly-important-icondedicated to tasks

• Game size: /
To return it: 100 points
Required playing time: 3 weeks

Complete 12 daily missions and 8 weekly missions.

This mission is special because it’s really from there Your subscription can make the difference. Due to card activity requirements, completing this task will require a minimum of three weeks of effort for Xbox Game Pass holders as well as Ultimate members. But if the latter can afford to miss out on some weekly missions, the former should aim for 100% over 3 weeks unless the last set of missions is counted on in the final week.

monthly-important-iconThe Quest Finalizer

• Game size: /
To return it: 1000 points
Required playing time: 4 weeks

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Complete 22 daily missions and 12 weekly missions.

We’re not going to lie to each other, if we’re after a certain mission, that mission! Even if it’s less profitable than the original, it’s always fun when it drops! Depending on the months and subscription you take advantage of, your attendance can be tested. Once again, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members will be seated in the best seats as they benefit from Increase the number of weekly missions. For Xbox Game Pass Classic membership holders, this pass He will only tolerate one weekly task failure During the monthly exercise, otherwise they will be missed. What could be more infuriating than losing that card for a while or two? Nothing to admit. So calculate your shot well!

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