Thursday, March 13, 2025

6 Technologies We Take For Granted In Education

Technology is kind of like water, something we have had for such a long time we often take for granted. Whether it’s elementary all the way up to college, almost all schools have technology as an integral part of the curriculum.

Students and educators have become immune to classroom technologies such as easy access to the internet, free/low-cost Chromebooks, Smartboards, printer/scanners, calculators, and many digital media and applications at their fingertips.

Keep reading for a deeper explanation of how these six technologies are just some of the devices education has taken for granted.

What Is Technology?

Often abbreviated as EdTech, technology education is typically the combination of software programs, computers or laptops, and facilitated learning by using these technologies. There are, however, many other facets of technology within the education environment outside the classroom, such as telephones, fax machines, copiers, scanners, televisions, and many more.

6 Technologies Education Takes For Granted

  1. Internet

The internet has become such a basic resource in education worldwide that most people forget how incredibly essential it is to their everyday tasks. There is almost nothing that can be done via technology without the use of some internet source. Education has taken this technology for granted in many ways. For example, if there is a power outage or slow internet speeds that slow or shut down computers and phones, people begin to panic and complain. Everything comes to a standstill without internet service, and all those gadgets cease to have importance without Wi-Fi or data.

Websites For Students

Students are often found scrolling through websites that advertise how they can pay for essays online, essay checkers, or review my essay. It is important to make sure these sites are reputable and in good standing by reading customer reviews

  1. Calculators
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A calculator used to be everyone’s best friend, and it was a simple way of finding out answers to basic mathematical problems that could literally fit in your pocket. Nowadays, calculators are as big as a laptop and contain equations for all types of math.

Websites For Essays

Most students despise writing essays in class, let alone ones assigned as a project or homework. Having a Chromebook provides a way to find best websites for essays at TopWritersReview or other popular essay sites while at home to ensure their work is completed and on time.

  1. Smartboards

Smartboards were introduced into the classrooms in 1991 as an interactive tool between technology and education. Most classrooms have one bolted to the wall and are more than likely collecting dust now that public schools provide free Chromebooks to all students. Teachers have taken the Smartboard resource for granted as a valuable extension to any lesson plan and instead opted for laptops. What better way to teach about the lifespan of a butterfly than to visually show the metamorphosis via a Smartboard video for the entire class to watch.

  1. Chromebooks

Chromebooks have become a common classroom staple, with almost every public school in the US providing them at either free or low-cost options. Students have been given the freedom to use these laptops both in class and at home to complete assignments, and this has allowed most students who typically couldn’t afford computer access to this technology.

  1. Printer/Scanner

An old school technology goes a printer and scanner are by far at the top of the list for the most technologies taken for granted. Most students don’t even know how to work either of these machines as they are more prone to using a smaller version of just a printer at home. While today’s focus is going green and paperless, students are losing out on the experiences that a printer, copier, and scanner in one that you’d find in an educational setting can assist with. Students can use these technologies in creating books, magazines, art projects, and so much more.

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Freelance Writing

For teachers or educators alike, during the summer months looking to make some extra money and kill off boredom, a great side job would be to write essays for money. There are plenty of sites available to sign up for free and start your side hustle as a freelance writer.

  1. Digital Media/Applications

If you can think of it, then there is more than likely an app for it. From Math, Science, Social Studies, you name it; there is some sort of digital media or application geared toward that core content subject area. While convenient as it may be, education has cornered the market on utilizing these at your fingertips lessons to excel in learning in all facets. They have become so mainstream that textbooks feel archaic and, in some schools, become obsolete.


Technologies have absolutely made education a much more expansive avenue for learning. The resources in this article have all had a defining moment in the updating of education as a whole. However, with so many options and revisions made in technology readily available, it is easy to see how they can be taken for granted.

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