Thursday, March 13, 2025

Anne-Sophie Labecs: Journalist forcefully reframes Clementine Otine during the evening of the 2022 legislative election: Current Woman Le MAG

It is no longer a secret that election nights are often very hectic And Anne-Sophie Lapix would not say otherwise. In fact, a public service journalist often finds herself questioning politicians. It is not uncommon for this to result in some stormy sequences. As evidence of this, she found herself on Tuesday 14 June 2022 facing Marine Le Pen, who came to campaign on the occasion of the second round of the legislative elections of 2022, After placing it in third place After Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon as reminded by Anne-Sophie Lapix: “About two months ago, you were in the final of the presidential election against Emmanuel Macron, today your party scored good results, a record, but you are no longer in the game. The last duel opposes Jean-Luc Mélenchon against Emmanuel Macron. Do you regret that you repeated that the French systematically gave Majority of the elected president, suggesting that it folded? A question that clearly did not satisfy Marine Le Pen, to which she answered: “Nothing is bent. The goal is to stop Emmanuel Macron who is still demanding this evening, in a somewhat problematic mixture of genres, a mixture of full forces.”

“Actually, have you decided to embark on a career in comedy?”

On Sunday, June 19, 2022, Anne-Sophie Lapix was not against Marine Le Pen, but against Laure Lavalette, spokeswoman for Marine Le Pen and Clementine Autan of France Insomes. It is clear that ideas diverged between politicians. Anne-Sophie Labex asked Clementine Otten if she could join the government on the issue of retirement. But before she had time to answer, Laure Lavalette cut it short: “I think retiring at 65 since I voted for them…” Clementine Otten decided not to leave it : “Actually, have you decided to embark on a career in comedy?” I asked him. Small hikes forced Anne-Sophie Labex to step in: We will not be able to repeat the discussion between the two rounds.” before closing the topic permanently.

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