Thursday, March 13, 2025

Axie Infinity announces the steps for the reconstruction of Ronin

On Wednesday, April 27, via their Discord channel, the developers of Axie Infinity announced a summary of the events of March 23 and what steps should be taken to rebuild the Ronin Network.

They emphasized in the report that the theft was the result of a hacking attack by a group highly specialized in these crimes, and a human error by the company’s security department.

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Axie Infinity Security Roadmap

Sky Mavis takes the following steps to enhance your security now and in the future:

  • Continuously work with top-tier security experts to prevent persistent threats.

Shortly after the hack, I hired Sky Mavis CrowdStrike y Polaris Infosecamong other things, to deal with internal monitoring and network analysis.

  • Increasing the number of validation nodes in the Ronin . network.

At the time of the security breach, Sky Mavis had nine verification contracts; However, it has increased its validator nodes to 11 and will soon add three more to the network.

In the next three months, their goal is to reach 21 validation nodes, eventually reaching more than 100 in the long run.

  • Implement stricter internal procedures.

They inspect every area of ​​security, including their internal procedures, with a strong focus on the security of all employees.

Ronin is now the gold standard when it comes to security. All code is fully reviewed and optimized, with security experts looking at the entire architecture.

  • Create a distrust organization.

Its goal is to become a completely anti-fragile and distrustful organization. Zero Trust is a framework that assumes that Sky Mavis is always at risk from both external and internal threats.

  • Bonus bug release.
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They understand the importance and value of the efforts of security researchers to help keep their community safe.

Sky Mavis is offering rewards of up to $1 million to encourage responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities.

  • ISO27001 and other safety related certifications.

Over time, Sky Mavis will undergo various certification processes.

Axis Infinity

Steps to Reopen Ronin

Axie Infinity reported that the Ronin Network bridge and . are currently being redesigned It will be unlocked once you are sure that it can stand the test of time.

Initially, the update was expected to be implemented at the end of April, But Sky Mavis believes that this process should not be rushed.

are waiting The bridge reopens in the middle or end of May. Meanwhile, Binance supports the Ronin network to withdraw and deposit ETH and USDC for users Axi Infinity.

All users’ funds on the bridge are guaranteed by .’s latest funding round Sky Mavis.

Objectives to be achieved to open a bridge ronin Son:

1. Ronin Bridge Contract UpgradeWhich is already 80% implemented.

2. Resume jobs on the backend of the bridge. This is in progress.

3. Implement a validation panel that allows approval of large transactions and the addition or removal of new validators. This is now being designed.

4. Post all pending withdrawals. This will happen after the new bridge is deployed.

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