Friday, March 14, 2025

Cyril Lynette, Director General of Prince Muhammad Bin Fahd University, was dismissed after the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting

The Ordinary General Assembly of the members of the GIE Project Management Unit met Thursday evening “The duties of the Director General of Cyril Linette as of this evening have concluded,” according to a press release from the Project Management Unit.

Cyril Lynette is leaving “as of this evening” his duties as Director General of Prince Muhammad Bin Fahd University in a press release. This decision was taken during the Ordinary General Assembly of the members of the GIE Project Management Unit held on Thursday evening. The Board of Directors will meet on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, for a temporary organization of public administration, added without further details.

“He was unanimously expelled for misconduct,” a person who attended the general assembly told AFP. “He defended himself with emotion and denounced the lack of support from the three presidents (note France Gallup, Trott and the Popular Mobilization) for several months,” added the source, who asked not to be identified.

The Extraordinary General Meeting convened to deliberate on the “fault dismissal” of General Manager Cyril Linnett who is accused of being “recently guilty of acts that undermine the GIE,” an economic interest group.

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GIE PMU has 57 members: the non-profit associations France Galop and Le Trot – PMU’s parent companies – as well as 55 regional racing companies. Cyril Lynette is accused of taking “contradictory positions in the management of The Thémis project, and publicly changing his mind without any prior consultation with the Board of Directors, while sending accusatory letters against officials and parent companies,” according to the summons.

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As the text says, “creating conditions of mistrust regarding GIE members and parent companies” and “a conflicting social climate”. Denouncing the “emergency evacuation”, Cyril Lynette confirmed in a video before the General Assembly that he would defend himself “step by step against this separation attempt.”

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