Thursday, March 13, 2025

German railways tilted, strong suspicions of sabotage. Interior Minister: A premeditated failure.. Two points were damaged on the cables.

there sabotage Behind the German railway case? The Berlin government is increasingly convinced of this. The German Interior Minister said: “A premeditated act.” Nancy Visser Emphasizing in observing the track that Germany has been maintaining for hours on the technical collapse that occurred this morning, October 8, in the railway network in the northern part of the country, which caused a complete halt to long-distance traffic. “We must believe that the conditions which impeded rail traffic for several hours were due to a premeditated fact,” Weiser continued. “In two places, cables essential to rail traffic were damaged. The matrix of what happened is not yet clear. The Federal Police is investigating under great pressure ». Deutsche Bahn Report a technical failure indicating that a problem received by the system is the cause GSMR (International Mobile Phone System for Rail Communications), which Meanwhile he will be back. But the German railways themselves declared that it was a sabotage operation, as it reported bear and confirmAfp. System cables ‘were actually intentionally stolen or destroyed’. Bild cites security sources to inform her that there is currently no evidence about the perpetrators. It was linder who liked it BremenAnd the HamburgAnd the Lower Saxony And the Schleswig-Holsteinas you know Deutsche Bahn Twitter.

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