Thursday, March 13, 2025

Harvest 2022 results directly from the field # moisson2022

So what’s new for you? To answer that question, Moisson Live is back in service for the fifth consecutive campaign. In partnership with Céréapro, Farmr and Sencrop, Terre-net invites you to follow the evolution of crops in real time via an interactive map of the 2022 harvest results, to which you contribute.

crop On Moisson Live, find 2022 harvest results with numbers straight from the field. (© @agricol/Banque d’images FranceAgriTwittos)

« CCreate a community of farmers around Harvest results »: This is the goal, which comes in the form of a collaborative map, that can be accessed directly via smartphone or computer. It is offered by Céréapro (formerly Comparateur agricole), in partnership with Sencrop, Terre-net and farmernew partner for the 2022 edition.

“Characters straight from the field”

“Moisture rate, type of crop, yield, quality …: You can fill in all your results there. The tool takes into account the area, the fertilizer applied and the variety … and not only allows Compare harvest yields In wheat, barley and rapeseed from farmers in the network in France, but also serves as a base for sowing the next campaign. The goal is to followHarvest progress in real time with Numbers straight from the field Pierre-Antoine Foureau, founder of Céréapro, explains and analyzes the results to help farmers make the best decisions.

direct harvest cardJoin the largest community of farmers about crop outcomes with Live Harvest (© Capture

Céréapro, Sencrop and Terre-net welcome a new ally to this year’s Moisson Live adventure: Farmr, the first 100% agricultural social network. “Exchange between cultivators, regarding their practices is the key to a stronger cultivation:” Alone we go faster, together we go further!Harvest is always a real moment of exchange between neighbors. Today, digital technology makes it possible Exceeding physical limitsso its use has to be democratized and the Moisson Live operation can be very involved,” defines Baptiste Littockart, co-founder of Farmer.

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Also note: Since June 2021, Sencrop has made available on this collaborative map a file Weather data consulting around farmers’ lands, to allow instant monitoring and even create weather conditions Harvest weather alerts.

2022 harvest starts early

After a severe wave of heat and drought, 2022 harvest starts early In several regions in France, not necessarily under better care for everyone.. according to the latest weekly report Céré’Obs de FranceAgriMer, wheat is 11 days ahead of last year, and three days ahead of the average in the past five years. Winter barley, for its part, is seven days ahead of 2021 and two days ahead of the five-year average. Some sectors were also affected by cold spells and/or severe weather. We wish you all the best in this new harvest!

Feel free to share your work progress with us with photos and videos on social networks with the hashtag #Moisson2022 and/or #MoissonLive.

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