Thursday, March 13, 2025

‘Ice bombs’ reach 16 cm in height, a new record for Australia – photos and video


Giant grain hailstorm North Mackay fell, in Queensland (Australia), severe damage to vehicles and structures. A hailstorm hit the Bloomsbury and Yaleborough areas this afternoon, Tuesday 19 October, with residents reporting hail larger than tennis balls (see photo gallery above and video at the bottom of the article).

The violent hailstorm was part of a series of extreme bad weather events that have hit Queensland. A storm warning has been issued that could bring significant hail and damaging winds to the central coast of Queensland.

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology said today’s storm in Bloomsbury and Yallborough may have caused this Biggest hail ever in Australia Since the start of the recordings. “We saw some convincing pictures of a cold versus a tape measure 16 cm. The Australian record was about 14 cm. Seems to be an Australian record in hail. A hail of this magnitude is finally over 100 km/hsays Shane Kennedy, a meteorologist with the Met Office.

Massive hail strikes Queensland, Australia [VIDEO]

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