Thursday, March 13, 2025

Jurassic World Evolution 2 release date revealed

Back at E3 2021, the folks at Frontier Developments revealed jurassic world evolution 2. Fast forward to Gamescom, and now we know when we’ll be playing the game. Smack in the middle of opening Night Live at Gamescom 2021 today, release date jurassic world evolution 2 It’s been revealed, and it’ll be here sooner than some of us might have expected.

Today, Frontier announced that jurassic world evolution 2 It will be launched on November 9. Just like in the first game, jurassic world evolution 2 It will be streamed live across consoles and PC, launching on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S at the same time. While the first game arrived on the Nintendo Switch only last year, there was no indication that the sequel to the game would be coming to the Switch as well.

As is usually the case with these release date announcements, jurassic world evolution 2 It’s also going up for pre-order today. Pre-order will result in players getting three vehicle skins with InGen paint, indicating the hostile company from the original Jurassic Park its complement, lost world.

In addition, Frontier has also announced Jurassic World Evolution 2 Deluxe Edition, which includes the base game, three vehicle skins themed Dinosaur Protection Group from Jurassic World: Fallen KingdomSix building banners and five types of dinosaurs: Huayangosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Megalosaurus, Geosternbergia, and Attenborosaurus.

the original jurassic world evolution It was a powerful attempt to revive the dinosaur park genre that didn’t achieve enough simulation features. Hope is that jurassic world evolution 2 It retains everything that was great in the first game while enhancing the weaker parts to create a truly addictive simulation title in context Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis. We’ll keep an eye out for more details about the game, but for now, find it jurassic world evolution 2 Drops on November 9th.

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