Thursday, March 13, 2025

Last minute agreement on migrants in the Council of the European Union. Piantedosi: “The responsibility on our part is a beginning, not an arrival”

Last minute agreement on migrants in the Council of the European Union.  Piantedosi: “The responsibility on our part is a beginning, not an arrival”

a last minute deal To avoid another failure in this thread immigrants before the end of the legislature. the Home Affairs Council of the European UnionAfter hours of clashes, haggling, and cross vetoes, I managed to reach an agreement to approve two legislative packages on border procedures and on Asylum administration. The new rules aim to rewrite the relations between member states, but also between non-EU states, on the management of migration flows under the new Migration Charter. However, the green light for final approval is still missing European Parliament. Very unenthusiastic remarks by the Home Secretary, Matteo BentedosiOn the sidelines of the summit: Italy had a position big responsibility And I found correspondence from other countries. We have tried to make border measures possible, a process we believe should continue. We think it’s a day something leaves, not a day it arrives.”

However, the Minister wanted to be reassured by the fact that “Italy has obtained a consensus on all the proposals that were put forward during today’s Council meeting. First of all, we avoided the premise that Italy and all Member States of the first entry would come Paid to keep illegal immigrants in their lands. Italy will not be the center for the collection of migrants on behalf of Europe. We managed to get a possible legal framework Agreements with safe third countries We also avoided restrictions that would have excluded some countries.” The minister then added, “Today we got concrete solidarity EU, with compensation mechanisms on the return Dublin Above all, we rejected the option of monetary compensation because it contradicts the dignity of our country, and on the contrary, the financial obligations of countries that do not show direct solidarity will flow into a fund managed by the Commission, in order to implement concrete projects of the so-called external dimension. But more than concessions to countries Bordering like Italy, Piantedosi’s words seem simple It does not weaken the EU’s external action On the issue of immigration: “We wanted to draft texts that would weaken the possibility of concluding agreements with third countries by not passing them, always in implementing the projection on the external dimension. It is a settlement that does not harm the international legal framework.” So Italy, in the end, did not oppose the document and voted yes. A different position than that expressed by many European allies Brothers of Italyon condition Hungary And Poland They voted against and abstained SlovakiaAnd LithuaniaAnd Malta And Bulgaria.

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On the other hand, those who show their complacency are Sweden, the current president of the European Union who promoted the recent talks so as not to get out of Brussels With a quandary: “For us it is Busy day. We send an important message, when we are united we are able to make decisions that are not easy but necessary,” said the Swedish Minister of Immigration Maria Mallmer Steinergaard Confirming that the agreement was passed with “broad support”. Along the same lines, the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Elva Johansson: “I want to remind you that you, in the Council, have re-established trust, that is something that has been done over the years and that is why you are able to manage difficult negotiations and compromise. We have shown that it is possible to work together on migration and we are much stronger when we do that “.

While we await the latest trends on crucial points in the agreement, regarding the proposal made before European Commission which, however, has received criticism both from countries interested in stricter border management and from those who, on the other hand, aim for greater solidarity within Europe, moving towards Text normalization. The Swedish presidency encouraged the attempt that took place in the evening and held a limited meeting between the committee and France, Italy, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. In the past few hours, after the agreement seemed not possible during the day, the Italian Minister of the Interior Matteo Bentedosi He had said that progress had been made “but not enough”, emphasizing that for Italy it was a possibility fire Migrants in third countries have no right to stay, without having to wait to find an agreement with the respective countries of origin for their repatriation.

What brought everyone or nearly everyone into disagreement was first and foremost and again a topic symbiosis between the countries of the European Union redistribution of refugees. there an offer The Swedish Presidency envisioned “compulsory solidarity” and the distribution of immigrants among the various EU countries, which however remains free to choose Input To countries of first entry in terms of controls over migration flows or financial assistance which, according to the proposal, amounts to 20,000 euros for each immigrant who refuses to welcome them. They were in the minority on that front first and foremost Poland And Hungary In the foreground who have already spoken against the proposal. Poland resumed its firing today, calling the supposed financial contributions “unacceptable penalties.” But it’s not just about the countries of the so-called Visegrad bloc. Others objected to the amount of the contribution, and demanded that it be reviewed downwards. But even Italy, which ordered with Spain, Greece, Malta and Cyprus Transfer Towards immigrants, he praised the solution, favoring a different compromise that would relieve first-arrived countries of responsibility for immigrants entering their borders. Adopting a position that certainly did not help the agreement, the Italian government wanted to express a position “not against”, but requested that further negotiations begin soon. Countries like France and Germany have a completely different opinion. German Minister of the Interior Nancy Visser He repeated that he wanted to reach an agreement, and that he did not want to accept the new demands. While the French Gerald Darmanin Talk about “compromise that works.” Interior Minister Bentedosi met with his German colleague in a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Council, a meeting that took place in conjunction with the meeting held in Rome between Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the German Chancellor. Olaf Schulzwho mentioned how Germany recently granted asylum to “one million Ukrainian citizens and another 240,000 people from other countries”.

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Italy’s decision was one of the most anticipated decisions of the day. But Piantedosi’s position was never clear cut. “I don’t want to express a clearly dissenting position, but we have to imagine the possibility of further negotiation on some points,” said Biantidossi this morning, speaking around the Home Affairs Council table. Italy, the statements reported by ANSA, wants to take a stand.responsible“Concerning the possible agreement on immigration, which however must also be shown towards ‘Italian and European citizens’ for the reform that might be”vector to to fail Indeed.” In short, Italy probably does not want to claim negotiating paternity We will not be seen as winnersEspecially on the front of solidarity between EU countries in the redistribution of refugees, whose commitment has already been excluded by the Swedish rotating presidency of the Union as well as most of the requests made by Rome in recent months. And so, in recent days, Piantedosi has put his hands forward, arguing that the government “still does not focus on resettlement”, the pace of all those who have laid down their arms in recent years for Europe to do its part. Instead, Italy has asked for its support on Europe’s “external dimension”, those agreements with countries of origin and transit with which the government hopes to solve the root problem.

Contrary to what was requested by Germany, which was pressing to close the agreement without further requests, Piantedosi brought to the negotiating table some Italian requests To amend the text, such as “flexibility on the principle of a safe third country” and responsibility in cases SR (Search and Rescue) – for what might replace the existing Dublin Mechanism – which should be “capped at 12 months”, not two years. But especially the so-called contact principleAs the minister himself said at the end of the day, “We note that there is an objection on this point, which remains decisive and we will face difficulties if we do not find another form of settlement.” In essence, it will be about the possibility of expulsion to third countries rather than origin. “This will allow the EU to project externally, while respecting human rights and international law,” explained Piantidossi, and thanked “the mediations and progress made on other points of the text.” The minister’s statements during the day were more skeptical, particularly those regarding implementation Financial compensation for missed deportations which at least will not displease the Polish Minister of the Interior, Bartosz Grodecki: “Practically and politically, this mechanism is unacceptable to us – he said, referring to 20,000 euros – and in no way will it be accepted or allowed in our country that already hosts a million refugees from Ukraine.”

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