Thursday, March 13, 2025

Osama Ammar, co-founder of The Family, is in turmoil again

There is a problem with the family sitter. The company, and two of its founders plus investors, turns against another co-founder: Osama Ammar. A complaint was filed by several group companies on March 22, 2022 for breach of trust, forgery and use of forgery against Osama Ammar and his personal holding companies.

in a long post Average Posted on March 27, CEO and Co-Founder Alice Zaccouri details all complaints filed against Osama Ammar while outlining: He added, “In the introduction to this article, we must remember that Osama Ammar is innocent of the facts that we unfortunately doubt.”

failed mediation
He is accused of transferring €3 million to his personal holding companies which were raised in 2020 in order to invest in start-up companies. “Despite repeated requests from everyone who works in the family”Alice Zagori claims she didn’t get it ‘There is no clear answer’There is no documentation or evidence that the assets were acquired. Hence this complaint after a broker had already been taken over. “We still hope that in the face of justice, our ex-partner will collect himself, exchange the information requested, and return what does not belong to him”I wrote.

At the request of the other founders in September 2021, Osama Ammar resigned from the family. In a post on LinkedInHe defends himself and invokes “Legal Dispute Between Partners Based on Personal Resentment”. The man was already given a four-month suspended prison sentence in 2018 for breach of trust, forgery and the use of forgery. The facts mentioned date back to 2011 and relate to the creation of Be Sport of which he was the General Manager.

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On family facts he writes: “Since 2020, we have been trying to find an amicable solution without reaching an agreement despite many hours of discussion. I have always responded but I cannot accept anything. Today many actions are being taken against me because of investments that could not have been. Completed. It was not discussed before a judge in a contradictory manner “.

Portfolio of 120 startups
The family was founded in 2013 by Alice Zakouri, Osama Ammar and Nicholas Colin. The incubator and investment fund has built a portfolio of 120 startup companies it has invested in, including Payfit, Heetch and Alma. More than 800 startups have been supported since its inception.

“The total value of all of our investments is estimated at more than €50 million compared to the €20 million we have collected in total – not counting the value yet of our special purpose investment portfolio, which is already over €70 million. €, for I have invested €23 million”Explains Alice Zaccori, who seeks to highlight the sitter’s seriousness.

no question bar
At the same time, action has been taken against The Family Ananké, according to reports reverberation. An SVP, or Special Purpose Vehicle, is a financial vehicle in which private investors inject money in order to finance a specific project. This action was led by an investor holding a third of the first vice president, which led to a conviction by the Paris Court of Appeal for not submitting documents. He wants access to documents relating to the sale of the stake in Stripe for €3.3 million.

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