Future planning at a pace!
In “Daughter-in-Law Wanted”, Tuesday night’s son-in-law is searched for a change! Nico (24 years old) from Westphalia wants to find the right partner with the help of his parents: “I am not looking for a woman, but the right man for life. For me, love is not a quick number either. Love must grow, love must arise and then remain forever. “.
Candidate Daniel (36) from Dusseldorf was not averse to a quick act – he took precautions: “I took a condom with me, you never know.”
Candidate Daniel (here with Nico’s mother Susan) wanted to play it safe and brought a condom with himPhoto: RTL/TVNOW
Peter (23) of Cologne already felt an advantage: “I think I have better chances with Nico than Daniel. He is from Dusseldorf, I think Cologne can score better there.”
Florian, 31, from Frankfurt would have preferred to be a partner right away: “Maybe this is the beginning of a new future today.”
Mother Susan (49) and stepfather Jörg (55) also had an opinion on the matter. Susan offered to join the family directly: “The guy next to Nico should spend some time with us as a family, that would be great.”
Christian of Trier even brought with him two would-be family members: Amadeus and Adina. Not only are they part of raising his dogs, but he also takes care of their fur: “These are my kids, my treasures, my kids. I’m a kennel and a groomer.” With that, he quickly collected a bunch of bonus points from Mama Susan: “I’m already in love. But of course not not in Christians but in his dogs.”
However, Niko had to sort out – he sent Christian home with his pets: “I only think that he is with you, dear Christian, the distance is a little big.”
Christian (right) brought in thin reinforcements. But that didn’t help – with Wauzis Amadeus and Adina, he had to start their way home after they first metPhoto: RTL/TVNOW
Mama Susan was already conjuring up dinner there. During dinner together at her parents’ house, she wanted to take a closer look at the young people. Papa Jörg launched an attack on the questions and wanted to know who the candidate Peter was: “The man of the family?”
He quickly commented, “Yes, almost like you.” Niko immediately asked: “What is the matter of children? Well, now there is nothing against Peter, but would you like to have children?” Susan was horrified: “What is this?”
I felt a connection with Peter’s young age: “Why then, Niko is two years older than him!” Peter tried to stay calm: “Because I’m probably too young. Well, I don’t think Daniel has now made advantages with Jörg and Susan. I mean, just because I’m younger… you can still open up about planning the kids!”
But Daniel insisted: “But I think when you’re younger, it’s hard to imagine. Well, when I was 20, 25 I didn’t even think about children.” But Peter insisted: ‘Yes, I did. Preferably yours!’
Is 23-year-old Peter (far left) too young for big love?Photo: RTL/TVNOW
When Mama Susan was asked about the children, she remembered her offspring again, and tears soon flowed as she thought of Niko’s outing. She pleaded, “I can only advise all parents: Be there for your children, if that is the case!”
Meanwhile, Niko had already taken all three candidates to his room: at the age of 24, he’s already a homeowner. Now there was nothing stopping Peter: “I can imagine moving in with Nico. Maybe forever.”
Opponent Daniel had similar plans – he had already mentally taken measurements: “I have 135 pairs of shoes. Accordingly, they also have to find space!”
The main thing is that children’s shoes also fit on the shelf.
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