Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tell Corriere – the reasons for 30 years of Italian decline

Dear AldoAnd
My assessment of the major political forces that emerged after the First Republic is very crucial. I only doubt whether the crisis our country has entered in recent decades is a cause or a consequence of the assertion of these parties. The Northern League waved first independence, then federalism and home rule multiplied the places and costs of politics and those who depended on it in various public and local bodies. Berlusconi’s compulsiveness ushered in a season of populism that pays no attention to spending restrictions in order to please voters and gain support. Upon the failure of this, anti-politics and the disastrous notion of one deserves one finally emerged. Unfortunately for us, and more so for our children, the confrontation between these political forces, their leaders, and their people, and the political formations that characterized the First Republic, is merciless.
Fabio Ramboldi

Dear FabioAnd
There is no doubt that our country has been in decline for at least thirty years. At the time of the Craxi government, we announced the overtaking of the United Kingdom: we were the fifth largest economy in the world, and we were overtaking France. Today, in the rating of the World Bank, the United Kingdom is clearly ahead of us, India has also overtaken us, clearly also China, while Germany’s GDP is twice as high as Italy’s. Other statistics are more generous towards our country because they give more weight to the unauthorized, that is, to blacks. But, apart from capital of criminal origin, wealth produced without the payment of taxes and contributions does not contribute to the civil and social development of the country; It remains private wealth, often safe in tax havens. The reason for this decline remains incomprehensible. Of course, a country that has more dogs than children and (in some areas) more retirees than people in work does not have a great future; You don’t need to be a good economist to understand this. But it’s not just a matter of demography or willingness to work. Thirty years ago, the two pillars on which First Republic Italy built its development model collapsed: generous public spending and a weak currency, with competitive devaluations boosting Made in Italy and exports. However, today the problem is not money, since we are not able to spend European money, not even exports, which are good, sometimes very good. The question is competitiveness, innovation, infrastructure, school and university training, the difficulty of bringing small businesses together and giving themselves that dimension that allows the necessary investments in technology and personnel. And as you remember, the choice of the dominant class. Without this makes us regret the republic of parties.

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Other messages of the day


Say no to the 9-storey building in the center of Cervinia

We are worried about Cervinia’s future. We are referring to The Stone project, the huge building that is expected to be erected in a very short time in place of the historic and central Fosson Hotel. A nine-story skyscraper 30 meters high (photo of the day). A huge block of concrete has been inappropriately lowered in the city centre, intended to cut off air and light to half of Cervinia. Incomprehensible to us, the necessary authorizations have already arrived from the Valle d’Aosta Region (Landscape Commission), the Supervisory Authority for Fine Arts and the Municipal Buildings Commission, and checks are being carried out on these aspects by several law firms consulted from neighboring condominiums. However, the mayor’s signature is missing to give the final go-ahead for stone construction. We know that the future of Cervinia will develop vertically to meet the demand of international tourists chasing the last snow. But we, the residents and enthusiasts of Brill and its history, do not want Dubai to become an Alps. Instead, we want it to look more and more like nearby Zermatt, which will be connected by a new cable car this year. And there is not only this skyscraper: the whole country is alarmed by rumors that the legendary Hostellerie Des Guides will soon be demolished, and another skyscraper will take its place. But the Hostellerie Des Guides, commissioned by Cavalier Guido Monzino to celebrate mountaineering expeditions that had a global resonance at the time, are a true symbol of Cervinia. We hope thousands of people will sign this letter of appeal.
Alberto Bertani

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Send us your letters

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Tuesday – syllabus

We publish the letter in which a young man or worker already trained displays his skills: foreign languages, technological innovation, flair for fine work, artistic crafts; Speak Chinese, invent an app, own a tech, play or fix a violin

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Wed – job offer

We give space to a company, in any field, that is struggling to find employees: interpreters, apprentices, welders, lutherans.

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Thursday – injustice

We ask you to tell us about the injustices you experienced: a case of medical malpractice, a problem with the bank; But also in a restaurant where I ate bad food, or a public office where I was treated even worse. Obviously, the right of reply would be guaranteed

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Friday – love

We ask you to tell us a love story, or send a message to the person you love by courier. No heart mail. An open window to life.

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Sunday – date

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