Friday, March 14, 2025

The fourth wave of Covid, has swept through Europe. The return of the closure and curfew: what is happening

The Covid is back in anger in Europe. It is the only region in the world – a memoir of‘World Health Organization Where there are infections and deaths caused by the epidemic steadily increasing, for the sixth consecutive week. Of the 3.1 million new cases globally, nearly two-thirds – 1.9 million – were reported on the Old Continent, in 7% increase in the last week. Deaths rose by 10%, which is more than half of the 48,000 deaths reported worldwide.

covid europe map

The European Center for Disease Control (acdc) testify to the position ‘Very worrying’ in 10 countries: Belgium, Poland, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary and Slovenia. Another 10 countries are considered to be in a “worrying” situation: Germany, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Romania and Slovakia.

Read the latest Covid bulletin

Our country remains with Malta, Sweden and Spain in a stage “low anxiety”, again in accordance with the guidelines of the European Center for Disease Control.

The most recent data attest to an average 400 injuries per million people Compared to 280 per million the previous week. Same goes for deaths: 2.4 per million compared to 1.6 7 days ago. 67% of the population received two doses. “The situation is serious and I ask you to take it seriously,” Health Minister Jens Spahn appealed to the Germans. and without procedures, “The incidence will double every two weeks.”

In the past week, the infection rate has risen from an average of 98 to 141 infections per million. Vaccination rate (first and booster dose) 69%. Established A supporter’s over 65-year commitment to green corridor regeneration.

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curve in the opposite direction. England – where 80% of the country’s population lives – has set a record One case per 60 inhabitants, versus one in 50 the previous week. Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland also fell. to methird dose campaign, Already managed to 12 million. Prime Minister Boris Johnson reiterated that the so-called booster was “extremely vital”.

12 thousand injuries on average last week, compared to 8 thousand in the previous seven days, which convinced the government to do so Partial closing recovery, the first in Europe in months. 72% of the population was vaccinated. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced the partial three-week campaign. Among the actions that were carried out Bars and restaurants close at 8pm and non-essential merchandise stores at 6 pm. Fans are also kept away from the stadiums. The range of places where you will need to show the green lane has been expanded. “The virus is everywhere.” Rutte emphasized, noting that with the partial closure, a “strong blow” to the increasing infections would be dealt.

From 6,600 new cases per week through November 5, it has moved up to an average of 9,600. Which will lead the country to tighten the circle around the no vax, Force them to close. 63% of the population was vaccinated. Unvaccinated people will be able to leaving home only for work, for basic necessities and for “walking”, As explained by Chancellor Schallenberg. There will be random checks. “We don’t live in a police state,” he commented, “and we can’t and want to check every street corner.” There will also be an obligation to vaccinate health professionals.

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In a week Injuries increased by 42%., 20% hospitalization. The vaccination rate is 74%.

The incidence of infection is still increasing, although the trend is less clear than in others. More than 14 days is so 67 cases per 100,000 residents. Approximately 89% of the population over 12 years of age completed the course of vaccination and more than 2 million vulnerable received more than 70 third doses.

and the worst case across the continent, Especially for the lower percentages of vaccinators. Romania (only 40% of vaccinations) has a red dot, with 5,000 injuries per million residents in the past two weeks. In difficulty, even on the hospitalization front, Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria. In the Czech Republic, the curve has risen since the end of October, rising from an average of 2,000 infections to 8,500.

travel rate More than 40 thousand injuries per dayAnd, in recent weeks, the record was burned after recording deaths to 1,239 within 24 hours. vaccination coverage is very low, Just under 35%.

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