Thursday, March 13, 2025

Your horoscope for Monday, March 28, 2022

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There will be a new moon in your sign on Friday and it will give you a big boost. You’ll be more eager than ever to be able to move and express yourself. In fact, this NL will be in conjunction with Mercury and you will find it difficult to stay in place or … There can also be a movement or a small step in your news, even after a new moon.

the Bull

A rather boring week for some people who will or will feel stuck in obligations and limitations, both at the beginning and end of the week. The second and third couples are most concerned about this harassment affecting their basic freedom. On the other hand, for the first ten, there doesn’t seem to be a problem, except that you will keep your thoughts to yourself, especially if they are aggressive.


It’s possible that the atmosphere is complicated for the third tithe, who will probably be very upset about an affair. To take a jump or not to jump, that is the question. In fact, it is possible that you or the other is already involved and this presents a real ethical problem for you. This is confirmed by the conjunction of the beginning of this week between Venus and Saturn. You might consider dropping this story.


I will not hide this from you, the atmosphere is stressful, but the general situation is what he wants. Perhaps due to financial problems related to the family. You may have an inheritance to touch, goods to share, and it turns out that, all too often, this creates a crisis within the family unit. If you feel mistreated, disrespected, make arrangements, and perhaps consult a lawyer.

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The heart may be better and it will be better soon, but this start of the week is not easy for the third ten. Try not to act impulsively, even if you are shocked by the other person’s situation. The weekend also won’t be very fun, and it seems like you’ll feel helpless. The first ten, you, everything is fine, you have the possibility to shoot high and far, do not set yourself limits.


I will repeat myself, but the situation is very complex and your daily life may be affected. You will have to change your plans, otherwise you will stumble, you will not be able to do what you decided to do (the second and third decile). On the other hand, things won’t go too bad for the first ten who can get paid, an amount that comes in addition to your regular salary.


You who hate this, will be confused with others this week, with your family or your spouse in particular, who (in your opinion) will have an unpleasant attitude. You are very sensitive by nature, do not like excesses, but there are some this week from your lover or children. However, it is also possible for someone to leave to live their life elsewhere, or express a desire to do so.


We can’t say the stars have served you well this week, especially the second and third twenties. But it can come from you and have a hard time turning the page. You are one of those people who does not like to give up anything, and when it comes to leaving someone, or even any place, you have a hard time with it. It’s even the feeling of abandonment that invades you every time you have to let go of something.

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You are spared the disharmony, they even go in your direction and invite you to speak frankly, even if it means appearing provocative to your interlocutors. This will certainly be your will, but be careful because the conjunction between Mars and Saturn, active from Wednesday, risks forcing you to “close” it (2, third decade). The first ten, you have the freedom to move and express yourself.


Don’t keep what’s on your mind to yourself, even if you think it might fall on you. Talking, sharing is always beneficial to your health. I’m talking about your moral health, but you know very well that physical health depends to a large extent on morale, it’s 50/50… Also, if you blame someone, for whatever reason, you better tell them what you think deep inside you.


Wow, things happen in your sign! Venus is in conjunction with Saturn today and Mars will do the same this weekend. Anticipate obstacles, or having to give something up, even about someone: in particular, the third partner, but all of you can have echoes of it. The first ten, fortunately, Mercury gives you smart ideas to escape the economic situation; You will not have any inconvenience.


As far as you are concerned, the highlight of the week is the meeting between Jupiter and Neptune, which has been active for several days and which baffles everyone. Neptune is the so-called “collective” planet, everyone can be affected by something that spreads or through excesses in weather. On a personal level, any form of overindulgence should also be avoided, if possible.

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