Saturday, October 5, 2024

Biden: 'I am the most qualified person to be president.' Slip-ups: Zelensky becomes Putin, Kamala Harris becomes Trump's 'VP'

toViviana Mazza

US President: “For me, it was a stressful few hours while Trump played golf. Kamala Harris has what it takes to be president. I will have another neurological exam if the doctor tells me to. European allies are telling me to win the election.”

Slips: Calling Zelensky “Putin” and his deputy “Trump”

It did not start well. Already during the event preceding the press conference, he was surrounded by 30 leaders including Giorgia Meloni who promised a long-term commitment to Ukraine in the context of the so-called “Ukraine agreement”, The US President made a mistake.“Ladies and gentlemen,” he said at the end of his speech. “This is President Putin.” It was clearly Zelensky.. He recovered well.He immediately realized the mistake and said he was thinking of Putin because he was so focused on beating him. “I’m better than him,” Zelensky said with a smile. “Much better,” Biden replied.

But right after that, during the press conference—despite offering convincing answers on many foreign policy issues—Biden, without realizing it, said: “Vice President Trump” Instead of Kamala Harris. Two gaffes that caught attention competition To the White House and via social media He scoffed, “Good job, Joe!”.
Biden later responded on social media: “I know the difference. One was a prosecutor and the other was a criminal.” In another video, Trump mocked him for another error, when he said — before correcting himself — that he consults on Ukraine with his “commander in chief” and not his “chief of staff.”

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“The neurologist’s tests say I’m doing well.”

Some allies immediately defended him.He said: “Everyone has a slip of the tongue.” Macron. And Georgia Meloni“I saw it clearly, a concrete, well-organized summit.” Biden himself wanted to check on his health: “I did that already.” Three important and intensive neurological tests And They say I'm in good shape.“No one is asking me to take another test, but if my doctor does, I won't object.”

Shortly before Zelensky's gaffe, in an interview with BBC British Prime Minister, Keir StarmerHe said he found the president “in really good shape” and dismissed concerns that Biden’s cognitive abilities were no longer fit to lead the country. “We had an excellent bilateral meeting yesterday,” Starmer added, lasting “nearly an hour” and Biden discussing “some of the most challenging issues we face globally.” But just minutes into the discussion, Starmer said: “We had a very good meeting yesterday.” Another Democratic congressman, Jim Himes. Connecticut, Join the call for Biden to withdraw As the party's candidate.

“I'm here to finish the job. I'm determined to run.”

The president arrived at this press conference with difficulty, under pressure from him. A section of his party wants him to withdraw from the race for a second term.He is desperately looking for time to make further decisions, thus making withdrawal impossible, since there will only be a few weeks to choose and vote on a successor. But Biden doesn't want to back down.“I am here to finish the job,” he said, answering reporters’ questions. “I am determined to run.” I'm sure I can beat Trump again.He doesn't do anything, he just plays golf.”

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Nancy Pelosiformer Speaker of the House of Representatives and still one. Trump had said on television that it was right to wait until the end of the summit. From NATO, out of respect for Biden, before pushing him to “make a decision.”

The confrontation is approaching

So the confrontation is approaching. Many believe that choice can also affect Barack ObamaBefore sending his brutal editorial to The New York TimesGeorge Clooney had told Obama this, which he would not have encouraged, but – remarkably – secondly. Politician He would not have objected to the publication of the article.
David AxelrodObama's former campaign manager, who was highly critical of Biden after the debate, admitted it after the press conference. “He hesitates on other things but is very sure on foreign policy issues.”“It was a good idea,” he added, to hold a press conference on the sidelines of the NATO summit. But MSNBC’s progressive commentator Rachel Maddow pointed out that beyond the content, many viewers would notice The tone is slow and sometimes hesitant. (With a sudden change in tone only when Biden got angry about guns in America: “More kids are killed by gunfire than anything else.”)

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“There is no poll that says I have no chance of winning.”

While the president was at the summit, three of his advisers had lunch with Democratic senators to try to convince them that there was a path to victory that ran through Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. But the The New York Times He claims that the presidential election campaign is taking place behind the scenes. Voter Polls (It will likely then be presented to Biden.) To learn about Kamala Harris' strengths (“who Biden considers qualified to be president”) And to see how the vice president might fare against Trump.
Biden said he believes so. Harris was qualified for the presidency, but he was the most qualified.When a reporter asked him if he would agree to pass the baton to his vice president if those polls showed Harris had a better chance than him of beating Trump, the president replied: “No. Only if they tell me I have no chance of winning.He continued in a low voice as if revealing a secret: “Nobody says that. There is no survey.”He added that if delegates at the Democratic convention in Chicago decided they wanted another nominee, it would be “part of the democratic process,” then said again in a low voice: “That’s not going to happen.”

Debate with Trump was just a 'bad night'

Biden’s voice was low after a day of meetings, occasionally coughing, but he answered questions for about an hour. He seemed wary of making mistakes, repeatedly saying “anyway,” as if trying to curb his tendency to go off-topic. Biden, in fact, The president who held the fewest press conferences since ReaganAgreed on one contract at the end of this long day shows the pressure You have to prove it. The disastrous debate with Trump was just a “bad night” in which, by the president’s own admission, “stupid mistakes” were made that were justified by “exhausting hours”: “Trump,” Biden said during the press conference, “came to the debate feeling comfortable.”“Before the next televised debate, I will not travel across 15 time zones.”

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“The European allies told me to win.”

“European allies,” Biden claims, “told me to win.”“Nobody told me I shouldn't run.” “I am ready to confront Putin and Xi Jinping.” “Now, three years later,” he added, “there is no world leader I am not ready to confront. If Putin calls me, I am ready to talk to him.” He concluded by saying, “I am the person most qualified to ensure that Ukraine does not fall, to ensure that the European line remains strong.”

First conference in 8 months

Biden's last solo press conference was 8 months ago (after a meeting with Xi Jinping; it lasted 20 minutes). But there have been occasions when the president Contact journalists unexpectedly. At the White House: In February, he wanted to dismiss the memory-impairment allegations in special prosecutor Hoare's report, but then confused the Mexican and Egyptian presidents at a news conference.

Before he left the stage, a reporter pointed out that he had confused Kamala Harris with Donald Trump, and that the latter had indeed been mocking him on social media. Biden responded sarcastically, “Listen to him.” He then slowly left the scene.

July 12, 2024 (changed on July 12, 2024 | 08:35)

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