Earth 2.0, China’s plan to find a new habitable planet

Elon Musk already said it: Humanity needs another habitable planet if it exists tiara Mass extinction occurs. In the same line of thought, a famous enterprise China just introduced the “Earth 2.0” project Which seeks to find a planet outside the solar system with conditions similar to those on Earth, so that it can be inhabited by humans.

Earth 2.0, the Chinese plan for the new homeland of mankind

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has released a document detailing its initiative to find a file Earth substitute Make it habitable. In this context, the Asian giant plans to enter orbit A new space observatory by 2026.

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Researchers at the Chinese Foundation plan to run a A network of seven small telescopes (with 30cm optics) It will be placed in a stable orbit between the Sun and the Earth.

Earth 2.0, China's plan to find a new habitable planet

As the site indicates vicethis is the current position of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, between the planets Lyra and Chicken.

Why did you choose this site to search for a file A new homeland for mankind? This region is known and mapped, and this will eventually help find planets in the habitable zone thanks to the availability of previous data.

They expect to find between 10 and 20 candidates to “replace” the Earth

The Chinese Academy of Sciences, which has its headquarters in Beijing and institutes distributed in different cities of that country, estimates that from the above-mentioned position in orbit it will be able to 29,000 exoplanets detected In transit, of which about 5,000 will be the same size as Earth.

Researchers consider that The observatory will find between 10 and 20 planets that can be inhabited by humans. So it would be Earth 2.0.

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Of course, that would not be enough to simply detect and identify habitable planets. Once found, the candidate planets are expected to be studied further from observatories on Earth or in orbit. Finally, as exams progress Water and even life can appear in those places.

After reviewing the site gizmodoIt remains to be seen if the Chinese space agency will support this project until it finally becomes a reality.

  • Laurence Malcom

    "Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."

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