Friday, March 14, 2025

In a video shot in the middle of the Thai jungle, Jerome Commandor masterfully balances you and the C-Team movie stars, which is really funny.

Unfortunately for “C à vous,” Jérôme Commandeur was not willing to come and talk about comedy. My daughter’s tour Written by Eric Lavigne with Josiane Balasco and Mathilde Sener, among others. Those who were around the table to enjoy the traditional dinner around Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine. However, you know this if you frequently visit your loved one’s website. GQWe really love Jerome Commander. He’s always quick to make us laugh and share with us in video formats where absurdity meets genius as in “Presqu’en Couv,” the 45-year-old actor drips his wit with ease. So we regret not seeing him make some jokes in “C à vous”. But, fortunately, a version France 5 I expected the blow.

While everyone was around the table, in Paris, enjoying the meal, a video was released with Jerome Commander: he has a letter to his friends Josiane Balasco and Mathilde Sener. But not only. Since the beginning of this video, dressed in a beautiful patterned shirt, he addresses “Babeth (Anne Elizabeth Lemoine, Editor’s Note) and her clever team of “C à vous”: “C à vous, the only program that allows you to go home with a rabbit stew with oranges, cilantro and feta in your stomach and a dash of a betaine citrate tablet we’re not working so well, so thank you “C is yours for being.” Eighteen seconds from Jérôme Commandeur which is really cool. The rest will be too.

Hence he highly praises, but always with a touch of mischief, his play partners My daughter’s tour (in theaters June 16), including The Josiane Balasco Room. He restrained himself in maintaining his seriousness. not easy. Then he mocks Eric Lavigne, Director My daughter’s tour It is a continuation of Back to my mother And who willBack to the sister-in-lawAnd the Ding-dong We’re bringing you back Grandpa, he’s lost in the neighborhoodAnd the There is the grandmother who sat at the remote, my grandmother who was under the table for galette des rois… “To finish his video, he wants to be more serious and says he is happy to work with the two actresses on the set of “C à vous”: two exceptional actresses and two wonderful women….” But Jerome Commander cannot help but get away with another A band of humor by echoing his last sentence: “…which don’t often go hand in hand. I’ve known great actresses but they were quite the cowhide of life and I’ll tell you who I’m talking about again here. I give you all the big kisses.” We do too!

See also  'My dear children': Josiane Balasco and Didier Bourdon are hilarious as undeserving parents
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