Thursday, March 13, 2025

Instagram solves recurring stories issue with latest iOS update

Instagram has published an update to resolve the “error” or failure that forced the app’s users on iOS to view We’ve already seen their communication storiesThat reappeared as if it were New content.

Since Monday, many social network users have reported this error in the app through platforms like Twitter x RedditThey commented that when another user posted a new story, the app took them directly to The first ‘stored’, rather than the most recently uploaded content.

Thus, this error prevented users from restoring a file Stories where they left them Instead he forced them to watch them on an episode until 24 hours after it was posted.

Following the issue, Meta spokeswoman Kristen Bey confirmed to The Verge that the company was “aware” that some people were having trouble accessing Instagram Stories.

Now, from this same medium, they have reported that Instagram has resolved this issue by showing frequent stories to iOS users with its 239.1 update, which is already available on the App Store.

In describing this new version of the app, Instagram noted that the update contains “bug fixes and performance improvements,” suggesting that it could have fixed this bug in the app.

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