Friday, March 14, 2025

“It was very hot in Marseille” –

from Elisa Messina

Paradoxes and comments after the president’s shot in Marseille, posted by his official photographer on Instagram

Election campaigns are also listed in detail. and file details White shirt open day hairy chest from the French president Emmanuel Macron The bench was held on French media and social networks throughout Easter Sunday and Easter Sunday. Next Sunday, the city decides on the next tenant of the Elysee but that shot made by Soazig de la Moissonniere, the president’s official photographer, appears to have drawn more comments than any heated rally. and then The case of the president in the paratrooper shirtHere’s the boss on the sofa with his shirt open and his chest uncovered. But here copious doses of irony are added to the plot.

Let’s frame the situation: Saturday, April 16 Macron is in Marseille With his wife and staff (including the photographer) an intense day of campaigning culminated in a large outdoor rally. He must win the votes he got in the first round in Left-wing candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon On a hot April day under the southern sun. Instagram summarizes President’s Day in 10 photos (the title is “Day with the Candidate”), 10 shots That sums up commitment, enthusiasm and vitality. We begin with the image of Macron and Brigitte looking at the city from the window, then quickly runs down the stairs, ties his tie, runs on stage, talks surrounded by young men, he who climbs (always in a hurry) a ladder. Always with a JFK-esque look — a white shirt, dark tie, rolled up sleeves — that became his signature style. And then, there he is The ninth sudden shot: Macron, tired (it’s inevitable, he’s always in a hurry) but smiling flabby on beige leather sofawith Kennedy’s shirt unbuttoned across his chest and tors poilu(Hairy chest) In plain sight.

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“It was very hot in Marseille,” the president laughed on Monday night on France C TV, acknowledging that yes, this photo passed with his approval, like all the others, but he probably didn’t get enough of it. One. Like we’re saying maybe it would have been better not to post it… but also in the end it wasn’t so bad that it got talked about a lot. Looking at the comments below the post, in fact, in addition to applauding the photographer for her excellent work, there is no shortage of compliments on the president’s charm and references to “heat”.

just swipe Macron photos Over time by Soazig de la Moissonniere to understand that one of the president’s powerful electoral weapons is his image. And if the photo was with a paratrooper’s sweatshirt and a beard for two days, it would have been to transfer an informal Macron photo close to “Zelensky style” In the days when France also stands in solidarity with Ukraine and supplies it with arms, now it is also Intense close-ups From the boss with a frown, the spontaneous standing with his tie or jacket untied over his shoulder, while busy running, or working at his desk with one hand on papers and the other holding a cup of coffee. Of course, the open chest hairy shirt was missing from the collection.

But what did he want to convey to his constituents? monsieur le president In addition to accuracy Doses against using a razor on the chest? Another “heavy French” who likes to be photographed with his shirt open is the charming philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, as he pointed out on TV, along with the entertaining Macron, conductor Bertrand Chameroy. With the difference that Paission Levy (BHL for the French) shaves his chest, Macron, in this (seemingly) spontaneous shot, reveals ’70s masculinity, and much less. Little Demis Roussos Little Sean Connery, in a nutshell. While James Bond, under a tuxedo, maintained his shaggy, shaded charm.

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Apr 19, 2022 (change on Apr 19, 2022 | 15:42)

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