Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Taliban government has said that Afghan women will be able to study at university, but only in courses for women

Abdul Baqi Haqqani, Minister of Higher Education in the Taliban government in Afghanistan. He said On Sunday, he said in a press conference that women will be able to continue studying in universities, but in courses designated for women only and with teachers. Haqqani also said that the government would review the contents of university courses attended by women, and that for Afghans who attend them, covering their heads would be mandatory: it is not clear whether it is referring tohijab, which covers the head and not the face, or more complete coverings.

The statement of the Minister of Higher Education is the first official directive of the Taliban on the right of women to study, which the Taliban made recently Muharram to exercise. Prior to the establishment of the new Taliban regime, women in Afghanistan could attend university courses with men (as opposed to primary and secondary, where classes were separate) and were not required to wear clothes.

– Read also: In Afghan cities, women are protesting, in the countryside things are more complicated

During the first Taliban regime, between 1996 and 2001, women could not study after age 12, work outside the home, ride bicycles, motorcycles and cars, use cosmetics and jewelry, communicate with any man other than their husbands or relatives, or go out without a male relative to accompany them .

– Read also: The last time the Taliban ruled

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