Friday, March 14, 2025

To the Council of Ministers on September 1, 2021

The Homeless Shelter project is moving towards establishing an emergency center for the treatment of individuals and families in severe distress and a social support center for people to lead a dignified, independent and responsible life.

Supporting Municipalities: Grants from the Commissariat for Municipal Development

The Cabinet approved nine new grants to finance municipal investment operations representing an envelope of 499 million Swiss francs, out of the total investment amount of 859 million Swiss francs, or a contribution from the state of 58%.

The validated operations relate to two acquisitions and seven business operations. The recipients of all these scholarships are the municipalities of Vangatu, Gambir, Mahina, Manihi, Paya, Papeete, Perai and Rangiroa.

In connection with the acquisitions, the municipality of Gambir is benefiting from a grant for the acquisition of a hydraulic excavator. With an estimated cost of 23 million sq ft, this purchase is based on state participation of 13.8 million Swiss francs, an average of 60%.

At the same time, Papeete municipality is benefiting from a grant to purchase several lands needed to carry out the actions defined by the Urban Renewal Project (PRU). This is the second phase of acquisitions that will allow the municipality to open up the area, known as “Manuhoe”, by creating a new road connecting to Avenue du Prince Hinoi. All necessary acquisitions amounted to 97.6 million Swiss francs. The state contributes about 66.4 million Swiss francs, or a participation rate of 68%.

Under Business Projects, a second grant has been approved in favor of Papeete Municipality to renovate Willie Bambridge Stadium. This famous sports equipment is now outdated. With a daily attendance of around 700 people, it deserves a major upgrade to provide its users with adequate and safe equipment, and thus good conditions for sports. The renovation project is estimated at 247 million cubic feet, to which the state provides financial support amounting to 123.5 million Swiss francs, a participation rate of 50%.

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The municipality of Vangato is benefiting from the allocation of 44.6 million cubic feet in the framework of its project to renovate the hybrid power plant in Vakhaina. This circumstance relates to the renewable energy production part of the plant. This is the third and final grant order needed for the overall renovation process, which includes project management and the work inherent in thermal production. The cost of the work of this last part is estimated at about 50 million Swiss francs, i.e., the state participation is 88%. This renewal process is urgent and will allow the municipality to take the necessary measures to ensure a high quality service for its citizens. State participation in this type of structuring project for the most isolated atoll is a priority for the president and his government.

In terms of general lighting, the municipalities of Mahina and Manihi respectively benefit from an envelope of 17 million feet per second and 13 million feet per second. These two municipalities are already working on renovating public lighting in order to enhance the safety of users. These two operations are estimated at 61 million cubic feet, that is, the state’s participation is 49%.

The municipality of Baia plans to expand the coverage of the stands of the Manu Ora Municipal Stadium, of which only a third of which has been covered so far. The value of the operation is estimated at about 75 million Swiss francs, with the participation of the state 37.5 million Swiss francs, which is an average of 50%.

The municipality of Perai is benefiting from a grant of 141 million Swiss francs for expansion works on its mass grave. This process will start Phase 2 of Section 1 of the planned work under a global development and extension project divided into three sections. This operation will allow the municipality to increase its reception capacity by building 5 new platforms. The cost of the work is estimated at 235 million cubic feet.

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Finally, the municipality of Rangiroa is benefiting from a grant of 42 million XPF for its project to build a technical hangar in Mativa worth 70 million XPF, a participation rate for the country of 60%. The future barn will allow the associated municipality to house its machines and improve working conditions for mechanics.

Through this financial support, the state pursues and maintains its policy of supporting the municipalities. This assistance contributes tangibly to enhancing the quality of municipal public service missions, which are essential to the quality of life of citizens.

Scholarship for Animal Health Advocacy Group in French Polynesia

The Council of Ministers granted, for the benefit of the “Groupement de Défense Sanitaire Animale de Polynesésie française” (GDSA-PF), an operating grant in the framework of its public activities for the year 2021.

The “Groupement de Défense Sanitaire Animale de Polynesésie Française” (GDSA-PF) is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901. It consists of breeders from different breeding sectors that can be found in Polynesia. French (beekeeping, cows, pigs, poultry, etc.) which are grouped around health topics.

It aims to contribute to improving the health status, animal welfare, of all types of farm animals and the healthy quality of their animal production with the aim of protecting public health. , increasing production and income for Polynesian breeders, and promoting breeding and respect for the environment. The amount of the allotted subsidy is 9,940,000 Fcfp.

Establishment of a shelter and social reintegration center for the homeless: rehabilitation of the Rimanuta site

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Today more than ever, given the impacts of the health crisis associated with Covid-19, the future of people on the move is one of the government’s main priorities. A housing and social reintegration center is currently being considered, thanks to the rehabilitation of existing buildings on the Raimanutea site.

Thus, it is proposed to improve the whole plot by using two distinct electrodes within this new structure:

An emergency center to treat cases of individuals and families in severe distress,

A social support center with the aim of helping prospective people to lead a decent, independent and responsible life.

This new configuration will be complemented in terms of accommodation by a few administrative offices and several group spaces for holding various workshops and courses dedicated to social and professional integration.

With the aim of making users more involved in their lives, the catering area will be equipped with a kitchen for preparing meals on site. Sharing tasks based on recipes made as part of a healthy diet will enhance socialization. The country’s bill aimed at promoting solidarity efforts by donating unsold products would put an end to this virtuous circle.

The new version of this construction project is a continuation of what exists elsewhere on other continents with convincing results in the reintegration of displaced persons. Specifications have been drawn up specifying all its forms, on the basis of which a partnership with the Ministry of Major Works has been initiated for the proper implementation of this project.

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