Summer school plan, Janelle rushes: “There are organizational problems that must be resolved immediately.” [VIDEO]

In the summer school plan drawn up by Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi “there are known problems” and “organizational vital points that we hope will be resolved or improved immediately”.…

Nuclear tests in Polynesia: France “is not afraid of the truth” – Altima Aura

(ANSA) – Paris, May 11 – France intends to admit its responsibility for the impact of nuclear tests in French Polynesia, in the South Pacific, and better compensate the victims:…

Is there a risk of “splitting”? The wind that scares the church

A risk that has been mentioned for some time but has not been discussed as publicly before as it is today. split – We already got it written down –…

Very simple tricks to peel hot potatoes in two minutes without burning your fingers

Potatoes are a versatile and economical food that is ideal for preparing a variety of recipes. There are different types of flour with white paste which are excellent for preparing…

He revealed the witty and easy trick no one had ever thought of to prevent clothes from coming out of the washing machine all wrinkled

Today let’s talk with this article about a local procedure we must all take to keep ourselves always clean and gorgeous. We are talking about a washing machine. This is…

Covid, the masks? It will become seasonal

The The masks will become seasonal? The doctor thinks so Anthony Fauci, The White House chief virologist, who said in an interview that people are more likely to wear condoms…

Monsignor Aldo Giordano is the new Apostolic Ambassador to the European Union –

Pope Francis appointed Monsignor as Apostolic Ambassador to the European Union. Aldo Giordano, 66, from Cuneo, Honorary Archbishop of Tamada, current Ambassador of Venezuela. According to what was reported by…

“He was selling access to Putin for money” – Libero Quotidiano

A series of scandals only embarrasses Queen Elizabeth and the royal family. The last in chronological order and possibly also in importance relates to Elizabeth II’s cousin, the Prince Michael…

The case of Italians arrested, detained, and expelled from Great Britain as illegal immigrants

AGI – European citizens were arrested and locked up in British identification centers, before being deported, for attempting to enter the country without a work or residence visa. European diplomats…

Seven dead in two avalanches in the French Alps – Europe

Seven people were killed in two avalanches in the French Alps. This was reported by the local authorities, who warned of the instability of the ice due to the high…