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Gianni Rolando, the surveyor who became a prince by making his name on an island in the Red Sea | Melina Gabanelli

Once upon a time there was a surveyor from Ravenna who wanted to become a prince. One day from the Red Sea, between Yemen and Eritrea, a small day noon volcanic island Brand new and then demanded by a notary in San Marino, and baptized him San Bernardino. Thus, the surveyor became “His Highness Gianni Rolando Prince of San Bernardino. After nearly 10 years, with nearly ninety appointments among ministers, ambassadors and chaplains, Your Highness, 69 years old, Former MotoGP 500 rideralways in the head of the emirate there is a “foundation on lawful business”, governed by someone constitutionwith someone CurrencyThe paxAnd the Diplomatic offices. including Establishment of the ConsulateTheAnd the In Italy via Barberini 11 in Rome.

parallel world

As all of this is true, it’s not a fairy tale and it’s been going on since 2013We went to the Barberini Road but even before the facts arose, the submarine volcanic eruption. thereafter Between real notaries, fake deeds, foundations, non-profit organizations, PayPal donations, so-called lords and unexpected countesses, you are traveling in a parallel universe: a fusion of real (a few), potential (many) and strange (everything). While we were there we asked how to get it Citizenshipe: Fill out the form to attach documents Receipt of a “humanitarian donation” of 250 euros to the Fias-International Social Assistance Foundation on a Bulgarian bank account.. After our phone call for clarification, making a donation on the site is now “free”.

When the island appeared

The story begins on December 19, 2011 When many fishermen see the contractions of an underwater volcano erupt An island of lava in the Red Sea Off the western coast of Yemen, in the Zubair Archipelago, on the hills between the African and Arab plates.

Gianni Rolando starts out as if he’s racing with Giacomo Agostini and Barry Sheen: She claims to be orphaned in international waters. Then he says, “I love Christopher Columbus, but I’m growing a virtual science.” Christopher on October 12, 1492, Gianni on September 30, 2013.

He says the emirate enjoys “judicial and tax immunities.”that “the judgments of your courts have the nature of the judicial procedures of a foreign country.” Meanwhile, Columbus was in America, and Rolando was never on his island. But this is not important because “we will have regions and commands on all five continents”, which is essentially a “network state”. Meetings have already taken place and stamped with photos with Consular Representatives and Embassy Officials, mostly from African countries, would prove the start of diplomatic relations, a kind of recognition of the principality at the stage of formalization. As well as courtesy correspondence. When Rolando wrote years ago to Queen Elizabeth about the end-of-year holiday, the colleague replied to him on a paper with the Buckingham Palace address through the private secretary, David RyanIn a letter addressed to HSH Gianni Rolando Principe di San Bernardino – Office for Europe: “The Queen asked me to thank you and send her best wishes.” Surveyor victory.

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Prince of the League

May 24 is an official holiday in the emirate because it is the prince’s birthday, convinced boast the nobles’ quarters. From «Real Casa», as mentioned in Official government website(an experience not to be missed) also includes the son of His Highness the Crown Prince GianFilippo Nicolas Rolando43 years old, son of His Highness, installer at Master Clima in Faenza e For years he served as League Counsellor in the municipality of Ravenna.

In my wishing video for 2022, Gianni announced “Relationships have been established with about thirty countries, and all of them are ready to recognize the principality.” He reiterated the goal: “helping those in need.” The Constitution (filed for some reason in Budapest) shows the way: 68 articles, one of which states that “The person of the Prince is inviolable and is not accountable”.

Other microscopic countries

TheMost of the world’s volcanic kingdom is reminiscent of another geopolitical utopiaMicroscopic countries like popIsola delle Rose off the coast of Rimini (1968). or Sealand, the platform of the Bates family a few miles off the English coast, 27 inhabitants, the size of Berlusconi’s villa in Sardinia (excluding the garden). Only these are inhabited.

Rolando, on the other hand, rules in a way smart judgment On a small strip of lava rocks from which rises the pharaonic political-institutional superstructure with the diplomatic corps that the great powers would envy

in her wonderful way, But the smoke is hard to see the barbecue.

Consulate and institution

But the headquarters of the General Secretariat and the Consulate General of Italy, in Via Barberini in Rome, do exist. We inaugurated “His Excellency Lord Rocco Milano – Secretary of State” (Business Card). It ensures that they are handling “several hundreds” of citizenship applications. Shared offices with Fias on the first floor of an elegant building. On the wall of the meeting room, the coat of arms of the principality and the image of Gianni Rolando, in a festive Rococo costume, looks at us.. On the chalkboard drawings and notes of a previous meeting where the Fias, headed and managed by San Bernardino’s second-in-command, Rocco Milano, is referred to as the principality’s treasury. Close bond was born about 4 years ago. there Via It is a non-profit organization also based Romania And a giant organizational chart, inversely proportional to the activity performed (or rather, declared): 56 specialists Including 6 to the legal office and then to the food department, research office, insurance department, European Enterprise Development Center, etc. Although there are four auditors, a treasury manager and two in the accounting office, there are no financial statements available and no serious business reports.. The axis of the emirate of iron. So much so that the potential income for citizenship goes to the Fias accounts while the registrations in the San Bernardino Hospital applications (2,500 euros, for the purpose of the “humanitarian donation”) pass through the Prince’s account in German Bank Online N26. Even if everything is frozen for now. His Excellency Milan says that many ambassadors from other countries have passed through those rooms, and that “the principality’s mission is to work in the social sector through the International Relief Organization”, and that the official currency, paxit will be a cryptocurrency and that “the first thing we will do is help Italy, which is not independent and is subordinate to a Europe that decides its own destiny.” Presumably all of this was preceded by the Rolando Mattarella summit.

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great priest

The official organizational chart shows the name of Monsignor Vittorio Formenti As “Chief Chaplain of the Principality of San Bernardino and the Methods of the Dynasty”. He’s not just a priest, he passed away 36 years in the Secretariat of the State of the Vatican important managerial roles. We call him on the phone: «I am simply the godfather – he says – after all, I am 78 years old and I am retired. They organize themselves well, and they already have an internal hierarchy. They sent a letter to Secretary of State Parolin to engage the Vatican in an organization of small nations and ask for an audience. I know Rocco Milano when I saw The Prince once. But don’t mention my name, I have no business position, I have never attended meetings, I have never had written appointments, and I have never been invited into their premises.” I think about it, Surveyor Gianni Rolando may have a godfather But only the “Grand Priest” can match the “Prince of San Bernardino, Duke of Piedmont, Count of Dertona, Sovereign Grand Master of the Military Knights of San Bernardino and Grand Master of the Order of San Marziano” (full official name).

acrobatic legal acts

Let’s move on to a key point: the legal foundations. The emirate claims to have its “own lands in the Red Sea, legally and publicly”. The international recognition – they acrobatic assertion – was substantiated by a notorious work drawn up in San Marino on 09/30/2013 and confirmed by Apostilla of the Titan External Secretariat on 07/10/2013. Real documents for a real notary. But you have to read it: Rolando receives the inauguration of the “guardian” of the newly born island after a “popular consultation” (in the tavern?) and thanks to a “diplomatic note” from the “governor of Amomu, hon. Reverendissimo Cesidio Tallini”. Amomu symbolizes the United Nations Multi-Oceania Archipelago and is most respected as the “Sydian Bishop”. Count Massetti-Tugnazi sums it all up in one word…. However, this would be international recognition. The The New York Times He dealt with Tallinn many years ago because, a Long Islander, he signed himself up as the “Independent Governor of Long Island”, and issued statements of separation from New York and the United States. The design failed, according to Tallini, due to CIA interference. More realistic is His Highness Ravenna who, to prove the legitimacy of the kingdom, also reveals “an arbitral award for recognition of the principality made enforceable by the Sassari Ordinary Court on 01/02/2017”. But you have to read it. It is the story of a Genoese man, head of a noble assembly, who was inexplicably skeptical about the title of prince which Rolando ascribes to himself; In essence, she considered him a charlatan. The dispute was resolved by appointing three arbitrators who eventually agreed with RolandoHe is truly the Prince of the Sovereign State of San Bernardino, and enjoys the privilege of diplomatic immunity and extraterritorial right to his place of residence. After that, the decision was simply submitted, for enforcement, to the Sassari court, which did not enter into the subject matter of the case. Why Sasari? Casemiro Mastinoa lawyer from Sassari, was one of the arbitrators and today is a high representative of the state The Lord Minister of Justice, Ethics and Ethics. to me ForeignerInstead, it is referred to as Our Lady of Countess Garcia Primoli But the list of ministers and officials is endless.

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prince of tides

We call the Prince, and address him, “Mr. Rolando,” respectful but more sober.. He is not offended and assures that there has never been on the island “and now it would be impossible because it is in the hands of the pirates” who invade those waters. He talks about the emirate as a “beautiful dream to provide humanitarian assistance.” He says that they are all volunteers: lawyers, accountants, big businessmen. “And we are not asking for money from anyone. Citizenship payments? I have stopped everything until we are ready but we are in negotiations for mutual recognition with 15 countries (They were the “thirties” in the Christmas video, so). For our digital currency, Pax, we are available and licensed by the various countries we deal with to have orders under the San Bernardino flag. With the Congo, we are very far ahead: among other things, the president’s wife asked us to help establish it ».

However, the Red Sea seems to have played a terrible joke on the prince. By setting the geographical coordinates obtained from the official documents on Google Maps (15,1588 north latitude and 421019 east longitude) up to zoom in to the maximum, that is, with the possibility of framing small rocks from the satellite, Can’t see the island. the sea disappeared. We say to Mr. Rolando: His principality no longer exists. A few seconds of silence. Then he answers: “The island has disappeared to a certain extent. Every now and then it reappears, it depends give her Tides “. And when he reappears, he is the only indisputable prince of San Bernardino, the island that is and does not exist.

November 2, 2022 | 07:21

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