Friday, March 14, 2025

Xbox mini fridge: speculators are guaranteed to blow up the review

Just yesterday we reported on the Xbox Mini Fridge, the meme that became a reality from Microsoft, the salivary fridge and thus the ultimate blend of video games and food consumption. Perfect to save yourself a trip to the kitchen when you’re looking for an iced energy drink – at least that’s the idea when you dig deep into the cliché box.

Speculators likely enjoyed this very idea, as they bought the Xbox Mini Fridge in impressive numbers just minutes after its launch. As with consoles from Sony and Microsoft that came out last year, a few copies of the refrigerator went to regular customers. But Ebay shows brokers have been working hard again.

The Battle for the Fridge: The Bombing Storm and the Bombing Review

The Xbox Mini Fridge was launched at Target and many other retailers, for example in Germany it was available at GameStop. The focus is on Cannes because the mini fridge was sold out within a few minutes. Xbox fans are not to blame, but greedy brokers.

Xbox Mini Fridge: Trailer Introduces Microsoft’s Fridge

Mini fridge is already available at exorbitant prices ebay And whoever gathers one person knows who should be responsible for it. Fans are not at all enthusiastic about the campaign and vent their frustration with the negative comments. in a targeting The pressurized cooler is only 2 star rated with over 400 reviews. As you probably guessed, these are not all dissatisfied buyers. Similar negative reviews can already be observed for PS5 due to poor availability.

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Aaron Greenberg, Xbox chief marketing officer and lead liaison to the refrigerator, wasn’t surprised by the rush. He has warned interested buyers in advance, but also has reassuring words for all those who missed the first shipment. like him on Twitter He writes that the mini-fridge is not a limited product. Another batch should go on sale early next year.

The refrigerator has space for up to twelve beverage cans and two snack compartments. If you want to get ready for Round Two in the spring: Here you’ll find all the information about the Xbox Mini Fridge. Interested in a copy despite or perhaps because of the many people?

those: targeting / Aaron Greenberg on Twitter

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